Monday, December 13, 2004

and she dreams again...

Thank you Jianwei.

it's been a long time since I've met a guy of such substance. His language is flowery, and albeit his quiet nature to strangers initially, I've come to realise he has quite a bit of experience under his belt. he is also definitely more streetwise than most guys of his age. of coz, to him, he'd say age is just a number. I'm quite intrigued by the opinions he gives, and his replies to certain things i say. It sint' the usual replies you get, but something refreshing.

This new friend is interesting.

There's not been much to update. Tmr is the start of the second week of school. I'm not a bit happy about it. I don't see what good it does by advancing school by a month. it is getting in the way of Christmas preparations. I know I've complained quite a bit about this, but Christmas is the most important festive season to me.

I'm still pretty ill, andf it's quite irritating.

I've decided what to wear for Xmas. I'm still trying to get all the presents wrapped. Haha...

Today, weiyi sang really well for his cantor piece and advent entrance hymn. Very nicely done.

I went down to ROUGE last night, for ELECTRICO and ARMCHAIR's gigs. I had a fantastic night. Harriet and Jianwei were with me as well. I met one guy there who was also at RONIN's previous gig. Also met Yung and Ying. I kinda expected to. They are Uncle KT's children. he owns the whole peranakan place. i would love to elaborate about last night, but i'm truly exhausted right now. Rouge is really nice. I hate the techno there tough. It was splendid having Harry and Jianwei with me. Thank you Daniel of ELECTRICO for putting us all on the guest list!

ELECTRICO---you guys are swesome.

Now, Thank you HARRY for the newspaper wrapped present. i believe I'm gonna like it very much.

There's just an emptiness inside of me, which I'm waiting to fill. For now, i have decided to leave it empty. There isn't quite a story i have to continue sharing anymore. Let them each sail on with thier lives. i have realised i'm not sure who and what anymore.

In today's sermon, The Lord said "we must wait." And in Singapore, we're not accustomed to waiting. Everything must be done yesterday.

In Vicki's multiplt entry today, she mentioned about not just wanting to BE with the person, coz that's simply selfish. Dont just think of it, as what YOU want, but also as what you want that person to be : happy. Do smth for the person, and be happy that he/she is happy. Not just that it'd make you happy. I'm be that way.

No more. It's done.


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