Thursday, January 01, 2004

and she dreams again...

Good afternoon 2004. Good afternoon one and all. Once again, Happy New Year. I was reading quite a few blogs, and everyone seemed to have written a last entry recounting the year, putting everything aside and now, facing the new year. Last night, starting the early morning of the new year, I felt I wasn't prepared to let go of 2003, despite it having been my most "challenging" year of all. Now, I'll say, I'm preapred; to put all things aside, and start this year a fresh.

I'm having a bad flu since 30th dec 2003, and didn't wish to bring it across to 2004 but I'll get well soon. I'll say there are many things I wish to change this year. many, many things, and I hope I have the strength to do so.

I spent new yr's eve at home, coz mum cooked a feast and we had guests. Mum is the best cook I've EVER known. I enjoyed myself, despite having been ill.

I wonder why 2003 seemed to have held such strong emotions for many of us. No one expect it of course. 2004, I think it's gonna hold many more challenges. This year, I hold God, even higher than ever before. He's really a pillar I will never be able to do without. I want to always remember I said "never". He made my christmas special, he made my birhtday strange, he made my year a whole learning journey, and now, the year that I turn 19, I think he's prepared me much better to celebrate the age that I'll realli behave like.

I have my parents to thank for these many years with them. I think every single person who crossed my path made an impact on my life, taught me something and either continued to stay on teaching me or left and walked on. It's incredible how many people all of us know, really.

My new year resolutions, i'll like to keep to myself. There are quite a number of things, that I seriously need to smth abt. There are just quite a few things, that I'm not oh so proud of. Till I get these things straightened out, I won't be a better person. So, i'm gonna do smth abt it. Then there will be peace at home and with myself and the people around me. My work will improve too and so will my well being as a singer. 2004 hols a new hope, many more chances and I don't want to burst this new hope.

Brighton, thank you for alreadi, considered a little testimonial on yr blog. Thank you

Okay, let's rock on 2004.


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