Monday, March 29, 2004

and she dreams again...

Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines.
man, schl provides the busy schedule for me daily day in, day out. Choir has had so very many dates to attend to, it's crazy!. I was just discussing wif bro since jan, we've had choir recruitment, charismatic mass, cantor meetings, commitee meetings, normals sunday masses, easter vigil coming up, chrism mass, the yearly mass where all the oils of the churches are blessed...140 priests from all over singapore will be attending....what thrus new members are also an additional factor ... and major songs we have to sing for certain masses...alot of coordinating to do...alot of decisions to be made.

editing, stories, ideas, projects...hahaha....this is one busy semester...wonder what it'd be like with my vocal training still going on...and wonder what it'd be like if i was still working part time..whooaa...c-r-a-z-y!


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