Saturday, March 27, 2004

and she dreams again...

It'd really such an odd, weird thing, this bond we call friendship that everyone knows of. Yes, all of us will agree. Sometimes how it makes people good friends, distant friends, forgettable, enemies, to strangers, and then somewhere in out timeline we meet and become close friends again. hahaha. No one will really understand these things. Like ive also talked about so many times before, the six degrees of seperation is evern weirder.

No, I'm fine. Just spelling iut out again because it's one of the weird things in this bizzare world, that first started off so pure and simple.

Tmr i'm cantoring during mass. New clothes, a new improved voice, to praise God and offer it up as my prayer for my busy days.

I'm lost withhin the work I have. I'm not sure where to start.

It's my brother's birthday today=) two decades old. ahahaa. ;p you rawk, bro!


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