and she dreams again...
nehneh, i'm at my god-bro's house now, We went for dinner with them again and another uncle. I slept most of the day, but my flu is still very bad. I sure hope to get well before school starts. Talking about being ill, My buddy Wei Yi got his asthma back--he's been ill foir many weeks already, with flu that didn't seem to get well--the doctor said the asthma systoms are back. It got worse today, I heard, and it's affecting his singing--he was coughing alot today. If only he had not gone clubbing yesterday. Pray for me and him olrite? hehe, thank you.
I'm bavck home, gonna go get rest soon-- the flu is real bad. nite
nehneh, i'm at my god-bro's house now, We went for dinner with them again and another uncle. I slept most of the day, but my flu is still very bad. I sure hope to get well before school starts. Talking about being ill, My buddy Wei Yi got his asthma back--he's been ill foir many weeks already, with flu that didn't seem to get well--the doctor said the asthma systoms are back. It got worse today, I heard, and it's affecting his singing--he was coughing alot today. If only he had not gone clubbing yesterday. Pray for me and him olrite? hehe, thank you.
I'm bavck home, gonna go get rest soon-- the flu is real bad. nite
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