Dear Mel,
Your farewell letter to the choir made me cry.
Im really gonna miss you.
Already we have hardly spent time together, for a really long time. I don't know if I might have initiated it, but I hope certainly not.
You've been hanging out with the group of friends of yours, and there's nothing I can do..But when I see u on sundays..I know in yr eyes, you don't mean it.
I was tearing when I read your last paragraph. I'm so proud of you, gurl, but I know these things ahev to be done. But why so soon? I was selfishly hoping you'll go to SIM instead. But I know this is what you really want. If you ever need me, to take care of clement, or yr mum, u let me know.
Mel, thanks for being my best friend all these yrs...I truly believe tht deep inside, we love each other, and it doesnt have to mean we spend alot of time together. Thts what love really is. To have known you, to have become part of your life, to have helped in your spiritual growth, im realli honoured.
I will miss you, babe, and I love you loads. Please be strong, take care while you're overseas, and call if anything at all. I know it's a month from now, but...I'm already feeling the blues...
Love, mel
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