Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Please help me.
As you know, some days,I feel ready to face the working day. But some days, i curl up in fear, not because I'm unprepared, but simply because I'm not sure how to handle tht day. Some days are rewarding, some days are simply exhausting.
I'm still not sure, if I love this job or not. I'm just doing it till i can give people a firm answer to that question. Definitely, there is a certain part of me that likes this. I seem to be pretty calm and collected,at work itself. I even can put on a crazy persona and smile. Some days, I mark with exuberance, some days the sight of the stack of books or papers, simply puts me off. Some days, I can't wait to do my lesson plans, and some days, I really don't wish to. Everyday day since I started, I worry, worry, worry, about many, many, many things. I haven't been eating very well, least to speak of sleeping well. I get the weirdest of dreams, all related to work, if not personal affairs. I have even forgotten things to do for you,Lord. Suddenly, serving you becomes a burden. That's not what I want, Lord.
Please help me Lord. I need strength, perseverance, patience, tolerance, and wisdom.
Please help me be strong, help me be brave, help me when I feelmlike it's too much.Cause somewhere in me, I feel this si fine, but also not. Help me Lord.



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