Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Hmm Dear Lord, whats happening lately?
I go forward with doing the right things, siding the right people, according to my judgement, and people talk behind my back and backstab and insult and offend me. Imagine the guts, and the evil in a person who doesnt talk to you for the longest time and then decides to subject you to his slender, according to his fancy, because u did smth right, but becoz of tht, the evil person's plans dont work out. And this is happening IN CHURCH.

The person is so childish, that he calls me pathetic, for doing the right thing. he is i think 30 yrs old. *shakes head*.

And the woman who goes around with her big fat mouth gossping to the whole world about everybody, from this day on, will NEVER be hearing my voice again. she can forget it if she wans to talk to me. Im extremely pissed. She has finally tested my patience. She can go ahead, insult everyone, which is already wrong. Just dont come and do these things to me. I dont trust u ever again, woman. Stop doing God's work if you want to bhe so filthy.


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