Saturday, March 05, 2005

and she dreams again...

I Just read my junior's blog, and my first vocal coach's blog.

This junior of mine, i've always regarded her very differently from the normal girl you find in my course. she's very capable, professional in her ways though she used to get misunderstood and she's older than me by a yr. She came into the course late, which makes her my junoir, but to me it really doesnt matter. she probably knows a hell lot more than i do.

Recently, she's been very stressed, and is going thru similar probelms. Of coz, the scenarioss are entirely different. Shes got deadlines to meet in schl, and too much work. Shes got no money and needs more jobs. her dear and her are both stressed, and shes worried shes the casue of it mainly. or rather she feels she is. I realised in terms of work , money, it was pretty much identical to me. As for her dear..our stories are a little different, .i always felt my bf does so much for me...and so many times im more broke than he is...i feel horrid, like guilty and bad.. her dear also has financial problems...she said..many times the easy way out of things pops into her mind..and she gets realli scared. She takes a deep breath and knocks tht thought off. I felt an understanding when I read it. same here girl. hang in there'll be fine...we'll be fine. *hug*.

My first vocal coach, aaron, is going thru tough times at work. he has been changing jobs, and a girl left him broke last yr. he's trying to pick up the pieces again. I pray he'll be fine too.

let's all hang in there just isnt a bed of roses for most of us. life presents problems all the time, to make us stronger, wiser and more mature. God does it for all these reasons and because he wants us to be the best of his likeness. We try.

btw, i know i sound terribly incoherent in this entry, but let me ramble. my english is atrotious. rich, teach me man. you england powder la dey

Dear God,Please grant me the serenityto accept the things I cannot change;courage to change the things I can;and wisdom to know the difference.Living one day at a time;Enjoying one moment at a time;Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;Taking, as You did, this sinful worldas it is, not as I would have it;Trusting that You will make all things rightif I surrender to Your Will;That I may be reasonably happy in this lifeand supremely happy with YouForever in the next. Amen.Love,Your broken child


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