Saturday, March 12, 2005

and she dreams again...

Earlier tonight, I went to FRIENDS pub at changi village for Chelle's first ever gig. However, after watching her performance tonight, I give her a good long CHEERS coz it felt like she'd been doing this for VERY long!! The gig was fantastic, and she did three sets! WOW.

I was really lucky coz Chelle invited me to jam with her and her guitarist, daniel during thier third set! I sang two songs with her, often swapping main and back up vocals. =) Daniel says I can also duo with him! =) heee. YAY. Rene came around 845, after rushing down from Ubi after his driving lessons. Thanks so much Rene! I really appreciated it . Chelle's bf, wen jian came later, together with two couple friends casey/david and regina/somebody else ( i cant remember his name). Casey looks like my friend mabel. The resemblance is incredible!.

The amazing thing is jian wei knew casey and chelle when he was ard 15 or 16. WAHHH. i had no idea he knew them tht young! They were already...what 23??? yahhhh....dear ah..hahaha...
Dear, tonight, everyone was asking for you...chelle was fun and whacky, so typical of us kc girls! really stays on even after we leave schl. Casey asked for you as well, then i told her you are in camp now. Heh, she said she kinda scared you back then? She said you were so gentlemenly..hehee =) . My turn to say i really wish you were must be sleeping time i take you to the pub...

I hope you're doing fine there...

Olrite, its off to e-mage clas tmr! DANCE! mite drop by tinybox and see nikky..also going dear's place get his stuff..and go ecp for bbq yay...i have a free movie trying to decide what to watch...Closer, Sideways, Hitch, lemony Sbnickets, Million Dollar Baby?


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