this is prob the ugliest shot of us (appearance wise) well..seriously cant balme us...we were on the train magerly early ..and rene still in dream land..look at his hair!!!....but dear actualli looks nice in this hair...
dear..i hope you're doing fine in army first day...i miss you loads...keep wondering how you are...hope the food is olrite..hope you're ok with sleeping with yr mates...hope the early mornings and nites are olrite...hope yr bunk mates are nice pple..and wun make you feel horrid...dear...lets work hard together...im praying for yr safety...for yr health..fr yr strength...i hope you're ok...hope you find a pay phone to call home...yr handphone batt is still olrite...i will go back to yr place to get yr charger...
jz says yr company wun be so tough...dear, yr handphone actualli im used to using it liao..hehe...then so funny to take care of two phones..and some weird person called this morning...
rite..im off to bathe and meet rene for chelle's gig...not staying at harri's tonite...
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