Monday, March 07, 2005

and she dreams again...

heh. Today was a little different from my usual sundays since i joined CD choir 3+ yrs ago. I used to be out on sundays when I attended the morning mass. However, due to choir practise that led onto mass at 6pm, my timing for sunday was always neither here nor there. It's been a long long time since I went out on sunday. I did that today.
The intention was to watch simon gig at youth park, but the management there forked up and simon ended up gigging an hr earlier. Worst par was, he gigged for half a set. WTF rite. I think Harri and Simon are one mad mad duo. I really hope they get together coz she always looks the happiest ard him. We had lunch at the food court in cine, walked all the way to borders, then I realised I had to head to church. 8 times blah. Hahaha. It was nice, meeting them on a sunday. I know what it is about this that I like. I like to do things not of MY norm . Its fun. I HATE routine. I really do.
so, this afternoon was short, but sweet. dear did the sweet things again...accompanying me here and there...when he didnt have to walk those extra miles...=)
choir was olrite. alot of new comers so the room is getting stuffier.
on the 19th of march, ive got a lot of stuff going on man. broadcast event shootin the day, and lenten vigil praise and worship sessions at night. dear has a bass workshop he wants to attend at lasalle. heard hes going in for pre bmt aka ptp?? so he can come out on weekends...YAY. : )
hmm i dun like my blog template..coz the side thing cant come up!!!! and i lost some sad...


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