this would mean..ive got a lack of passion for most things...i dont know any longer...not sure where the road is taking me...not sure what my future is gonna be...i can try to make it be what i want...but God still has his plan doesn't he?
The feeling i get back home now is...im not wanted anymore...as in im realli a sore thumb..the love is still there for sure...but i feel extra. Im gonna try get a job..and try to juggle with my upcoming crazy plans for the next few weeks...im a little scared...uncertainty is bad all the time...some stuff i found out recently abt a friend shocked me ...but i dont wana tok abt it here...and, guess wad? this morning i went to schl, and ms teo was sick so we onli knew there was no lesson at 840am. shucks. ..
rite now..im gonna try finish up pcr to hand in tmr..since i wun be in schl on thurs...and study for tmr's test...dear is gonna be very busy tmr...and i finally finally get to catch up with juanita after a yr...wow...i look forward to it...but im worried abt dear...hmm recently shirin and i got closer again..and im happy to get to know her again..shes a sugar sweet girl...realli realli hair standing sweet. ahahaha...emm, i wanted to say more but i have forgotten...and yesterday's post got eaten up by blogger as usual..how irritating..grr...oh! i remember what i wanted to say...tmr im watching HITCH..and i still wana watch CLOSER, SIDEWAYS, LEMONEY, MILLION DOLLAR BABY, ...yeasss...but this month..heh..the $(liu) can die loh...
nite all. blogger damn pek chek leh.
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