i hate it when my comp screws up on me.; wait. ALL comps, for that matter. *mutter*
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

My dearest girl

My dearest brother


Previous Posts
- Today was a mixture of sadness, disappointment, an...
- I think we look so cool. hahaha
- and she dreams again... HASHAHAH! Today was fun!!...
- and she dreams again...Yea..I DREAM AGAIN....Shees...
- and she dreams again... FoR SOmE Odd rEaSoN, I Fe...
- and she's HAPPY again!! THANK YOU LORD!!!---I hav...
- TIME FOR PEANUTS(Mine and dear's fav comic)haha, i...
- My dear..now, =) Dear, In June... Dear...Before J...
- and she dreams again...I'll always get scolded for...
- and she 's HAPPY again!I think I was saying today ...

Hello, I seemed to have stumbled upon your blog by accident but it sure does make interest reading. I was actually surfing for more information on weekend break in ireland . Still I’m glad I stopped by!
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