It's the start of a new day for many. But for me, Im just lucky it's looking up a bit today. Coz after Pat and I got home last night, I felt so tired that I slept straight away, and that was 10.30pm. FIRST TIME EVER in so long....... gawd knows how long. BUT, the not so gd part was, i slept for a more or less solid three hours, till 130am, and woke up. Then after taking some water, I tried to sleep again but tossed till 230am. I gave up and woke up ard 3ish. ARGHS. But I have watched Princess Hours or GOONG till episode 20! Hurhur... omg, the story is getting so sad, so complicated so frustrating, so ... hahaa its making me so flustered! Coz they are all misunderstanding each other, hearing the wrong things, saying the wrong things, doing the wrong things, seeing the wrong things, all at the wrong times, due to the things that happened a sec before. So its like if it didnt happen tht way, it wud have turned out better tht kinda thing. AIYA! And the princess is too goodie that she doesnt see the bad intentions of the other party! And gets herself into trouble and all! AIYA!And the poor crown prince who loves her so much now is being so badly treated by her... argh argh... but then again yul is sooo nice too.. AIYA!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

My dearest girl

My dearest brother


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