Monday, March 15, 2004

and she dreams again...

Trust in the lord in anything you do. Be faithful in prayer, and believe. Lean not on your own understanding, but that God will make your paths straight.

It was a good day in choir today.Thr turn out was still despite the fact that meliza, Nick, baby and his bro didn't go. Not even thier parents came. Yes, I made the right decision. I know, I shouldn't skip church just because my close ones are not turning up. I woke up pretty early, followed Mum and Dad to parkway, had lunch, changed the batts of three of my watches, and bought some new neccesities. I was dropped off at church after that. We practised Ave Verum, for the upcoming easter vigil, and we sang holy ground today. I'm proud to say that things between Dad and Mum and Me are alright and good again. Maturity helps alot. I explained to them today, during lunch, after they now have cooled off. I explained to mum the stuff happening the last few days. I even told her about the "progress". hahaha. Well, dad actually also doesn't like me to play pool, but I have been doing so since 17. I tolf him it's fine if you know which laces to go. he's cool about it man. *cool*.

So, i represented all that ddn't turn up for cvhoir today. haha. Roy ddin't cantor well today. I think he lacked practise this week. the poor guy was so nervous. Sam seow shocked me. Why? Coz he told me, that after cantor meeting the other dayt, Babes Conde the woman who wrote scores for musicals like beauty world and forbidden city, trained kit chan and likes of her, kept commetning to sam that I have a really good voice. She told me that day, that my voice is angelic. GOSH! I really, really am very shocked and don't dare to even agree. It's a very big deal, and such an honnour. So, like baby's wish coming true, sam said he's gonna put me in for easter vigil cantoring, together with the others. He needs enuff people also. W o w. <____>!! I SO need to start training again every day!

Now, besides that, I realise that these two weeks is PURE HELLL~~~. Haha. We have ALOT of work due. ALOT.

I leave everything in God's hands man. I need the stength and will power again.

I miss him so much. He's been on shoot these two days, and I haven't heard from him at all. He must be so tired.

nite nite. Pls pray for me.


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