Sunday, March 13, 2005

and she dreams again...

I didnt go for e-mage class today. Wasnt feeling up to it. I headed to the cinema to catch lemoney snickets as i had a free movie voucher from my work the other day. I hate the movie. I hate it. Full stop.

I felt worse after watching it. It certainly didnt brighten up my day one bit. I headed to dear's place to return his health book, pass yuner the tissue paper, and get his charger. I ended up leaving without his charger. I coulnt find it!!. I ended up packing up and neatening some of his stuff instead. Felt so different going there without him around. He hasnt called. Its been three days. His phone batt is at its lowest. ive been taking photos with it, to show him where ive been when he gets back. I need his charger now. Im worried, and wana know whats happening there. I hope hes sleeping well, being treated well, and hes coping. But he hasnt called. It must br tough there until he cant even find the time to call. Ive been feeling miserable without him ard, being able to contact him. I soudlnt be like this. I told him to be positive, to be strong, and im not. I just break down suddenly, coz i JUST cant reach him AT ALL.

After his place, i joined harrri and simon for bbq at ecp. Thanks guys for the free food and lovely company. I needed it. Sorri if i didnt make the time more happening. I wrote all over the beach. I wonder if it'll stay till morning? The best part abt writing on the beach is that the grafitti isnt permernant. The beach is lovely at nite. Again, i wish he was with us.

............... back to ironing. Eldred called earlier. happy Birthday Bro. Pls come home soon. You've been away long enuff.

nite all.


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