Tuesday, March 15, 2005

and she dreams again...

-LONG, long, LOnG eNtRy!!!-

Okay, my dear friends..ive got LOTS to write tonight!!!! I must gather all my thoughts, and hopefully I don't forget anything I want to write, if not i'm sure I'll log back in to write! HEHE.

Now--> Today I had such a fantastic day!! I went to dear's place first to collect his phone charger. Jm and Joanne were home! Wow that was rare! I was suppose to meet Harri and Abdul for lunch, but it was too rush for us. We cancelled and I met Harri at her place. We headed down to Raffles to find our photo shop jobs...BUT she has forgotten where the shops are! We ate at deli france and I chose a cheap set meal which was really quite delicious. I hope i can bring dear to try it one day!

After all the eating and walking around, we headed to HMV, where we met Jill shortly after. I heard kelly Clarkson's CD . OMG. Her vocals are rawking!!!! Really mind blowing and the band back up is superb. I didn't know her CD was that good. No wonder ot's under "reccomended". : )

Jill met us at HMV and after today, the two girls have become wonderfully acquainted. :p I've been doing this alot the last few months; getting my gd friends to know each other! And I am personally very happy about that! We headed to cine leisure to have lunch at the food court, and it has become the food court that harri and I always end up waiting for friends at. Strange and quer. Rene came to join us, after applying at Raffles Design Institute (la salle). rene, I'm so happy you've got a place!!! He registered,BUT! he has to go to army first. =( . I told him, all three of us incluing dear will be studying at the same time by 2007! Hahaha. : )

Four of us walked to heeren again to do some shopping. That was when I remembered Reene needed to buy shoes! At the end of the day, we got his shoes. : ) Nice ones at that!! hehee. We waited this time for Simon to join us! Hahaha. Harri was soo happy. Simon joined us and we went to far east to shop. We stopped by seven eleven for drinks, and continued our shopping trip. By this time everyone was acquainted with Jill and it was so nice.

We did alot of shopping there (and i bought two bracelets) and headed back to heeren to get rene's shoes. HAHAHA. Harri and Simon got all impatient for their own quiet time that they disappeared to borders!! DOPE. She was SO happy today that she didn't even take photos!!! =) That's a gooood sign! We joined them later and had dinner at BK coz i had coupons! haha, what do you do with five broke broke broke friends..hahaha :p Poor us!

Home it was after a long day of shopping and loads of walking esp for me and Harri!!

I didn't care about work till I got home , and knew I had tons of things to do. I was busy chatting online, printing notes for med law for me and my classmate, and subsequently checking my email, schl web site, reading papers, making my soup, and organising all my stuff for this two weeks!. BUSY I am. Heh> : ). It is crazy, but I fel good having everything in order!.

Since I've been out so much, I decided to stay home a bit this week. Tmr schl then meet Mel then go home. Wed home. Thurs home then attending law firm opening. Fri schl, then meet Shirin and Alex then cantor meeting at Sam's for the next week's easter vigil. Sat broadcast even shoot whole day, then rush to chruch after that for lenten vigil p&w sessions. Sun meeting choir member joyce, early noon before choir prac.

Next week will be home alot to revise and catch up on work. Until dear books out those few days. Specs and Med Law in the midst of being done--i must stay focused!

Dear didn't call tonight, but I'm sure it's fine. ;p

Have I missed out anything?? HMM. I don't know. Happy sleeping!. Gtg!


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