Tuesday, October 24, 2006

...in her head again.......

Im PMS-ing right at this moment. Of coz not like real PMS-ing. But thats the term Chelle used that day for a bad mood. Harri is feeling like shite right now as well, so shes gone to sleep. I feel like crap too. Its today, how pathetic-ly we spent it, and then came home and just felt like what the.

what am i thinking.
its all too good to be true. ah there im just being too hard on myself.

sorri im toking absolute gibberish now.

Yea, so i entertained the crowd tht nite. The general consensus was approving. But ive so much to work on. My stage banter, as confident as I MAY have sounded, still was crap. But of coz i didnt feel as uneasy as the first time.

Some people cried during my gig. But tht aside, are my song choices bad? I need to work on articulation, ok i got tht. I need to work on volume control. Eld says I cant speak in front of people. Ok. I dont now how to handle the stage well yet. I tried.

Ive been thinking ewhat do i wana do with my life? Why is it im not looking into the classifieds and applying for anything anymore? I realise im not cut out for any of those jobs there. I know I need to start working again NOW. But smth is stopping me.

I applied for radio. I really wnat it. Eld told me i cant do it.
Nvm tht. Its a dream.
I really wana sing everyday. But can I really do it? Will i be able to handle it?
Am i meant to be a paid artist/singer/performer or am i supposet o treat it as my sideline hobby?

nai just said to me tonite, to stick to singing.
I dont know what i want to do other than sing. I tot i wanted to teach, and now after workign at it, its out of the picture.
ure all gonna find me doing a f&b job after this.
Its got nuttin to do with church anymore. I mean, its not one of the reasons. its just, what else can i do??

Coming back to my music, I really really wana go further. I wana apply for music school. I have no financial means, but maybe its worth a shot. I cant go on without learning basic music stuff. I cant write songs for shit nuts. amanda is good.

there are many talents out there. Just within the local circle, there are so many different voices, im really nothing.

how else can i improve?
really moody right now. pics coming up.


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