Sunday, October 08, 2006

Saturday, Oct 7th 06

It's Saturday. Its two days after his birthday, HAHA. so what heh.
But it's a SATURDAY!!! =)
Went to Blujaz to work tonight, and was lucky to get to work till 2am!!!! I mean, I wish I didnt have to la, coz its really quite tiring, but I do love working there alot! The environment is awesome and with Aya Sekine playing till 1ish am, whoose complaining man? YEA! Its like killing two birds with one stone! :) I was really happy too, tht Charles, Chelle, Kalai, Jas and Jase came down for a bit, and even after their jam (though I was hoping Charles cud have come back, but it was really late already). But really, it was so good to see him again after so long! Like I cant remember when was the last time i saw him... was it his church? or was it... wow, i really cant remember hahaha : ) But they all agreed that the new second floor of blujaz is spankingly pretty! many agree!

i earned 42 dollars tonight. WAHHHH. :))). Ive never been so happy working in a cafe before. I dont mind working hard there, and somehow I am naturally happy there, and I forget everything tht worries me. Everyone always will ask me : " why u so happy today?" HEHE.

Yea. I always looks super hyper and happy, I always sound super hyper and happy. Its not tht its a lie, I guess. For tht moment, I am really happy, but once someone asks "So How have u been?" err.. "ok.."..

You know what was really funny tonight? Charles, forgot to tell u! Before u guys came, Aileen's CD was play9ing Jeff Bluckley's Satisfied Mind and Amos Lee's Arms of a Woman!! :) Heh, talk about anticipation! Seriously, her music there is really good. There was a track she played that sounded like the olypic games, and u could see all of us, were somhow spurred to work even more fficiently.

I dont mind sacrificinf weekends for blujaz. I mean, really, thats how I feel, with so little left anyway. But I dont knwo I'll figure something out. Must be POSITIVE! hurhur. Right Charles?

Charles, Chelle, Kalai, Jas, I really do appreciate yoru support though all this heart ache.It hasnt been easy. Ive finally learnt to live my life without him. Ive finally learnt to brush aside concern for him. Ive finally learnt to let him go live and do whatdever he wants to do. Its not th I dont ever wonder. U noe? Its not tht I dont wana talk to him. But even tonite, I just had to completely ignore him. But I was still happy to see him. He just wudnt noe tht I guess. Strange how my backinf ogg has got him started on toking to me, trying to at every given opportunity, and pretending like nothing has happened. But tht is what hes best at. Haha, quite interesting : ) But. to me, all I need to think of, is one out of many th8ings hes doe to disappoint me, and its enuff to just hold me back from saying anything to him.

I'm quite happy talking to other guys, and having close (guy) friends. thts gd for now. u never know what is coming.


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