Monday, May 31, 2004

and she dreams again...


Today's mass ended up being a special mass for me. Because God was talking to me through father's sermon again. Again, because this ain't the first time. And ironically, it is always so timely, when I am upset about something, troubled, worried r need guidance. then, there qwhen I'm not expecting it, I get his answer. Or like today, when I prayed for him to give me some guidance on a few issues, I got it.

So, I will listen to his advice, and continue to try, continue to love, xontinute to perservere, in everything I do.

Like the little boys' performance of twinkle twinkle little star, he had someone next to him playing on both sides of the piano with him. No one could see the guy except this little boy. the performance was beautiful. This is what the holy spirit can do. And i believe, that it is possible as long as there is prayer and believe. So, I'll follow his advise, and continue.

You understand what i mean. Don't you.


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