Tuesday, July 13, 2004

and she dreams again...

I'll like to thank a few friends, for RECENT chats in person, online or thru sms...hanging out, even if it was not for very long. Thank you. Every little bit of it made my day better. Thank you Jermaine, for mondays, Harriet, for catching up over three yrs of lost time, Christine Chan, for having listened me out for schl...and now with me on wednesdays...Christine lee, Faith, Adeline, (my tinybox friends..who've always been there for me)...Brighton and Kuang Howe...for congratulating me on wrong "passed around" info..but still..Shaun, for a nice chat...and my always-there-for-me-sisters Meliza, Aneglina and Jill. Oh, Jonathan Fok...my choir fiend and tuition friend who just came back...and spent a gd time talking...YUP. Thanks all mentioned for recent events and love=) Never ever forgettinbg my bro, family and choir.

After many occasions at masses and other times, I finally took out my bible and started reading up on many bookmarked pages I'd once read up before. Esp psalms and philipians.

I'm also FINALLY half way thru a novel i've been reading since start of June!

I look forward to the weekend, coz one of my family members celebrates his birthday!

90.5 chose tonight to play good love songs...and at a time when I didnt want to hear them. Every lyric made me ache inside. I'm trying to bear with the thoght that maybe I should get used to the way things are now.

Just Pray.


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