Monday, December 05, 2005

dear MADE and COOKED hot dog for me, when I went over to his place for lunch today. Let me explain the cooking/making process:

Using a frying pan, firstly he made cuts in the cold sausages, and fried them. OOO the smell. YUMM
He sloced the bun, and fried it too!
Then he took out tomato paste, and COOKED THE PASTE!! WOO, with Basil, pepper, and some other funky stuff. The paste is PIPPING HOT, not to mention, DELICIOUS. Then, dear puts the sausage into the bun, topped with the new paste, a slice of cheese, and starts to met the cheese over the fire.

Finally, microwave the hot dog. I say The saying " a way to a man's heart, is thru his stomach" really should be reversed. THANK YOU DARLING ; ) i always love the food u cook for me. Ure MY CHEF!! *lol* Muaks.

Joyce came for mass, accompanied of coz, by Daryl : ) Gosh, I was so happy to see her again. Six long months! We went to Different Taste for dinner, and proceeded to TCC for dessert. I don't know what got into me, but I ate a HELLA LOT of food tonight. HAHA, Only to have them come out the other ay later. GRINS. Im amazing, arent i! hahahaha. Today was much better, definitely surrounded by people who love me, care for me...and who are part of my happiness in life.

Choir was good too. I look forward to my weekends. I really do. I felt so much joy singing during mass again. Im too tired at the moment, to put up lyrics, but the songs are amazingly powerful. God, thank you. Forgive me for my wrong doindg,s for my sins. Look upon my misguided ways, with mercy and understanding. For your child, is still very lost


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