and she dreams again...
No clubbing last nigjt, since it was just me and renren...but i went over to his place, and stoned while he played DoTa.. haha. But he was nice enuff to stop playing. :) We cooked at 1+am! I learnt how to cook rosti, and corn beef with egg :p lolz. Sfter watching dear cook it once, and renren again, i finally understand. man, i must practise my cooking! (Once I have money to even buy food to cook,that is)
After we cooked, we watched the korean movie dear lent me. Fos someone who loves logic, renren couldnt except the unrealisticness of it. Oh well, sappy love stories, whichmean to tell deeper meanings to the theme of the movie, LOVE, always end up having loop holes in the story I guess. We excuse the,, since it's a love story. :)
We woke up this morning, and joined the other DOTA addict, Simon, at bugis. I went off shortly after, to join his lou po, my dear sister, Harri for dinner. We went to Kino as she needed a book. I bought my favourite green tea shampoo at Watsons, since shampoo has been running out. i LOVE that shampoo. It rules no one! hehe. Harri and i shared the funnniest moments today. We were immitating the american, british and texan accents. harri is REALLI, realli, rEaLlI gOOD at the british accent. I realli mean it. She can voice over for Harry potter. ^^
I followed her to Simon, Law's and Jeff's jam session. It was at 10pm, and we were early, so we eneded up waiting two hours for another band tobe done with thier jam. HOWEVER, i thoroughly enjoyed the wait. those dudes were awesome. They are working adults, whon jam and are having a gig at Timber, near Substation, next Wednesday 7.30pm. Go soothe yr ears. Trust me, you won't regreat it!
So, now i'm finally back, exhausted, and need to wake early tmr. Renren and i are going to sim lim to get some stuff for him before he flies off tmr. Damn, I hate it when close friends fly off for a few weeks. i look forward to his return 1st aug. Pls..dont go in august...plleeease...haha's F5RIDAY tmr! :p YAY!!!! sat and sun are coming!!! THE BEST DAYS of the week! heee
No clubbing last nigjt, since it was just me and renren...but i went over to his place, and stoned while he played DoTa.. haha. But he was nice enuff to stop playing. :) We cooked at 1+am! I learnt how to cook rosti, and corn beef with egg :p lolz. Sfter watching dear cook it once, and renren again, i finally understand. man, i must practise my cooking! (Once I have money to even buy food to cook,that is)
After we cooked, we watched the korean movie dear lent me. Fos someone who loves logic, renren couldnt except the unrealisticness of it. Oh well, sappy love stories, whichmean to tell deeper meanings to the theme of the movie, LOVE, always end up having loop holes in the story I guess. We excuse the,, since it's a love story. :)
We woke up this morning, and joined the other DOTA addict, Simon, at bugis. I went off shortly after, to join his lou po, my dear sister, Harri for dinner. We went to Kino as she needed a book. I bought my favourite green tea shampoo at Watsons, since shampoo has been running out. i LOVE that shampoo. It rules no one! hehe. Harri and i shared the funnniest moments today. We were immitating the american, british and texan accents. harri is REALLI, realli, rEaLlI gOOD at the british accent. I realli mean it. She can voice over for Harry potter. ^^
I followed her to Simon, Law's and Jeff's jam session. It was at 10pm, and we were early, so we eneded up waiting two hours for another band tobe done with thier jam. HOWEVER, i thoroughly enjoyed the wait. those dudes were awesome. They are working adults, whon jam and are having a gig at Timber, near Substation, next Wednesday 7.30pm. Go soothe yr ears. Trust me, you won't regreat it!
So, now i'm finally back, exhausted, and need to wake early tmr. Renren and i are going to sim lim to get some stuff for him before he flies off tmr. Damn, I hate it when close friends fly off for a few weeks. i look forward to his return 1st aug. Pls..dont go in august...plleeease...haha's F5RIDAY tmr! :p YAY!!!! sat and sun are coming!!! THE BEST DAYS of the week! heee
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