Tuesday, March 01, 2005

and she dreams again...

STRESSED tired and have NO enegry for schl NO MORE.

This is the last straw. I cant take it . Tonight, i have gone mad. Thank you harri, for taking in all my lashing out, complaining and bitching about my work.
I KNEW i had work to do, but tonight, I discovered, i have not alot, but ALOAD of work. first up:

(1) my LONG overdue content analysis. ( how much time do i need to get tht done? how many times must i watch friends to do it??)

(2) Revision for MED LAW. --> Term Assignment (15 %) DUE- THIS FRI 4th MARCH. (I just found out.)

(3) World Issues (I.S) Reflective Essay. DUE Next MONDAY, 7th MARCH

(4) Promoting Coporate Relations- Resume and Cover Letter. DUE following MONDAY,14th MARCH.

(5) Specialist FYP. Final Budget/Overlunder Budget Result Reports. Group Report (Rich, Mak, pls give me.) Production Field Logs. DUE with file, tapes end of MARCH. Dubbing of DVDRs as well. SFC file. SFC tapes. Release of finances after project.

I cant take it no more. Yr three is terrible. When you're free, you're free. When the work comes, it just comes and attacks you.
I have totally STOPPED watching television. what is happening to me. I have stopped reading things. I feel like im living in a well, and I dont know hoe deep it is.


Dear, im sorry to make you read all this. This is the only place i can vent out my displeasure with the world, with myself, with the things ard us.

I am seriously tired. I wana work. I wana run away.

I am confused with myself. I no longer know exactly what im feeling and thinking anymore. I just dont deserve what I have. Is this being ungrateful? No. Probably a whole lot of pessimism has gotten into me recently. Yet, i tell pple to always be happy, optimistic, and look at things on a brighter side, and it'll all be fine. Of coz deep down i still believe in tht. I probably havent been praying enuff.

lORD, be my guide pls, and help me. I need your strength Lord. Have Mercy on yr child.




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