Friday, June 30, 2006 her head again.......

When parents and teenage kids fight, and both tire each other so much out and the frustration is so great, it's just not easy to communicate, it can be a real problem. And neither part is really totally at fault.

it's funny, how thru a freind and her mother's situation now, which is practicurly replica of what i went thru, I am able to see both sides of the coin. I can see everything tht her mother feels, I can see her pov of things and her opinion, and at the ame time I can see my friend's pov and opinions.. and as I spoke to both parties and was chosen by god I dare say to be mediator today, both sides listened and understood, sort of. my friend's mum's feelings of anger, bitterness, love and all I cud understand and even her pre-notions of her daughter. And when i spoke to my friend, I cud feel the anger , struggle and frustration she ahs trying to communicate with her mother as she could not see her mother's pov completely and only felt her mother was being too much. I agree with both. And it's really tough and difficult when such situations strain till this extent.

I don't wish for any teenage kid to go through what I've goen thru. ZEsp when they have not completed their studies. Don't ever destroy your own future. You will regreat not being able to study.

Parents, don't ever throw yout child out. You knwo that, that is the last thing u want to se happen, and you know tht deep down like your child, both of you love each other. Don't let the anger get the better of you.

Teens, biting your tongue can be the hardest thing to do and tolerance and pateicnce is the hardest viture.. and if u can do it, it shows a sense of maturity. i cud not do tht and i failed as a teen.

But we all know tht no one person is truely rotten. What everyone wants is the best for each other only. To my friend, yr mother still loves u and so do you.. talk to each toher.. I hope God will interceded and it will work out.

I know what it all feels like.


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