realli very upset now.
Saturday, November 29, 2003
and she dreams again...
i'm too f--- fragile for my own blady good. i'm also far too negative too often.
i'm too f--- fragile for my own blady good. i'm also far too negative too often.
and she dreams again...
today's shoot was from 9-9+...then back to the office to do more work....and there is alreadi a list of work waiting for me to do on monday.....i swear tht will be absolutely monday blues for me...*mutter*
WORK ettiquete---i suck at it.
drawing the very thin line-----and you said what?
faster, faster...everything must be fast....
and it goes on. i'm very stressed out now. I find me sdo hard to deal with. realli.
today's shoot was from 9-9+...then back to the office to do more work....and there is alreadi a list of work waiting for me to do on monday.....i swear tht will be absolutely monday blues for me...*mutter*
WORK ettiquete---i suck at it.
drawing the very thin line-----and you said what?
faster, faster...everything must be fast....
and it goes on. i'm very stressed out now. I find me sdo hard to deal with. realli.
Wednesday, November 26, 2003
and she dreams again...
not so much that im changing my mind....its just tt i wish he had some sort of opinion.,..but e left it up to me anyway...he just him for tt sometimes...and sometimes, realli not...coz hes always forever so busy
not so much that im changing my mind....its just tt i wish he had some sort of opinion.,..but e left it up to me anyway...he just him for tt sometimes...and sometimes, realli not...coz hes always forever so busy
and she dreams again...
morningz....i is sleepy head,... i is have lots lots work to do....coz producers gave me much much work....i is tired...tonite, i go vocal singing lalala....
hhahaha, sorri my morning "illness". heh
i havent returned my uniform yet.... finally had a chance to talk to eric yesterday....
morningz....i is sleepy head,... i is have lots lots work to do....coz producers gave me much much work....i is tired...tonite, i go vocal singing lalala....
hhahaha, sorri my morning "illness". heh
i havent returned my uniform yet.... finally had a chance to talk to eric yesterday....
Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Monday, November 24, 2003
and she dreams again...
poor bright..he slept so late coz he went to the airport to send his sis off....
had kfc lunch with him earlier..and we chatted quite abit. Like usual, always laughing about stuff to do with retromonks....hmm..and trust me, realli funny stuff...
poor bright..he slept so late coz he went to the airport to send his sis off....
had kfc lunch with him earlier..and we chatted quite abit. Like usual, always laughing about stuff to do with retromonks....hmm..and trust me, realli funny stuff...
and she dreams again...
morning all...monday blues...nah la, kidding....was the earliest in the office again...=O....anyways, have a nice day...will be meeting bright for lunch again...oh man, must wake him up ltr at 12...coz he slept at 8am?!?!
morning all...monday blues...nah la, kidding....was the earliest in the office again...=O....anyways, have a nice day...will be meeting bright for lunch again...oh man, must wake him up ltr at 12...coz he slept at 8am?!?!
and she dreams again..., ive quit there still feeling rather down about werid...i shld be feeling happier than saderr...oosh....i used my last staff coupn to eat with my family of the trainee managers that used to be at my place was at the branch earlier...=O....i just drank the soup, ate very little, and stared around, realising how much it has become "home" to me....hoq weird...when im at work, im so sian...and all....its the feeling of knowing im no longer goonna be doing this thts kinda gettin to me. im glad, very glad my sats can now be used to do other things, and tht i dun have to go home all tired and stinky anymore. im glad i dont have to overwork anymore...but im still sad. i hate this feeling. it sux. im trying so hard to let what shaun said to me sink in. mel, all endings are always like that. yea, i noe tt...i noe...
meliza joined my choir finally =) she so funy la that girl, everything also paiseh paiseh one...but i think her first day with us was pretty fruitful for her, coz we sang alot of songs today. there were two occasions that were being celebrated today. Our choir feast day and baptism of the rcia journey. it was a solid two hr mass. haha. meliza told me she attends mass everyday. can you imagine tt? wow...coz she promised God in prayer. Its realli wonderful.
Josh groban's new album is truly glorious., ive quit there still feeling rather down about werid...i shld be feeling happier than saderr...oosh....i used my last staff coupn to eat with my family of the trainee managers that used to be at my place was at the branch earlier...=O....i just drank the soup, ate very little, and stared around, realising how much it has become "home" to me....hoq weird...when im at work, im so sian...and all....its the feeling of knowing im no longer goonna be doing this thts kinda gettin to me. im glad, very glad my sats can now be used to do other things, and tht i dun have to go home all tired and stinky anymore. im glad i dont have to overwork anymore...but im still sad. i hate this feeling. it sux. im trying so hard to let what shaun said to me sink in. mel, all endings are always like that. yea, i noe tt...i noe...
meliza joined my choir finally =) she so funy la that girl, everything also paiseh paiseh one...but i think her first day with us was pretty fruitful for her, coz we sang alot of songs today. there were two occasions that were being celebrated today. Our choir feast day and baptism of the rcia journey. it was a solid two hr mass. haha. meliza told me she attends mass everyday. can you imagine tt? wow...coz she promised God in prayer. Its realli wonderful.
Josh groban's new album is truly glorious.
Sunday, November 23, 2003
and she dreams again...
tonite was my last nite working for pizza hut. no more. went there with a slightly heavyheart and left the doors feeling happy but awkward; a little sad too. it's me being sentimental and having been with the company for too long. friends that i've made from the previous branch who are all still there, and the new friends ive made, are prtob the strongest reasons why i dont wana leave them behind. alot of them are working there for good, esp the riders. the service side seems to be having morea nd more staff quitting. i wont be talking about pizzas anymore...and wont be giving away anymore discount coupons...i wont be able to step into the kitchen or back door well, the happy times will be missed. but of coz, the bad times, the busy times, im more than happy to be rid of them. for now, only 14 of the crew know im leaving. the rest are still in the dark. not even the shit managers know. and i think i'll leave it tht way. i dont see a need for the entire crew to know. they'll find out sooner or later.
................... i can't write already. just feel odd.
tonite was my last nite working for pizza hut. no more. went there with a slightly heavyheart and left the doors feeling happy but awkward; a little sad too. it's me being sentimental and having been with the company for too long. friends that i've made from the previous branch who are all still there, and the new friends ive made, are prtob the strongest reasons why i dont wana leave them behind. alot of them are working there for good, esp the riders. the service side seems to be having morea nd more staff quitting. i wont be talking about pizzas anymore...and wont be giving away anymore discount coupons...i wont be able to step into the kitchen or back door well, the happy times will be missed. but of coz, the bad times, the busy times, im more than happy to be rid of them. for now, only 14 of the crew know im leaving. the rest are still in the dark. not even the shit managers know. and i think i'll leave it tht way. i dont see a need for the entire crew to know. they'll find out sooner or later.
................... i can't write already. just feel odd.
Saturday, November 22, 2003
and she dreams again...
today, ernext bro, he seems quite sad...i dunno whats wrong....he took leave worried, coz he's always very cheerful....maybe a bad day like me too...
today, ernext bro, he seems quite sad...i dunno whats wrong....he took leave worried, coz he's always very cheerful....maybe a bad day like me too...
and she dreams again...
such a hard me very upset. its very difficult to explain...circumstances have become such tht i shld leave alreadi. ive had enuff. but its hard aching somehow to quit. do stupid, but i feel sad tht i quit. haiz....
such a hard me very upset. its very difficult to explain...circumstances have become such tht i shld leave alreadi. ive had enuff. but its hard aching somehow to quit. do stupid, but i feel sad tht i quit. haiz....
and she dreams again...
and, well, i'm NOT WORKING AT pizza hut anymore from sun onwards. tmr is my last dat there. i quit.
and, well, i'm NOT WORKING AT pizza hut anymore from sun onwards. tmr is my last dat there. i quit.
and she dreams again...
it was quite cheery at work today, coz it was the last day of work for the other intern =)
However, when i was on my way home, an INCIDENT took place...hehe....i was SOO tired, i took the north train down to cityhall, BUT, ended up not guess what folks? after like 20 mins, i woke up to find myself crossing somerset station again! but, this time, gg up to i heard orchard station, for the second time and i was soo pissed about off at newton, waited so damn long for the train to come...and at cityhall, again, wait, one train too full, wait again, still full, but i the end, took me two hrs to get home. home feeling pretty shgitty...
it was quite cheery at work today, coz it was the last day of work for the other intern =)
However, when i was on my way home, an INCIDENT took place...hehe....i was SOO tired, i took the north train down to cityhall, BUT, ended up not guess what folks? after like 20 mins, i woke up to find myself crossing somerset station again! but, this time, gg up to i heard orchard station, for the second time and i was soo pissed about off at newton, waited so damn long for the train to come...and at cityhall, again, wait, one train too full, wait again, still full, but i the end, took me two hrs to get home. home feeling pretty shgitty...
Friday, November 21, 2003
and she dreams again...
Morning all. I don't feel so good today.
oh tummy's giving me problem again.................
Morning all. I don't feel so good today.
oh tummy's giving me problem again.................
and she dreams again...
the politics in an organisation, in general, can suck. working politics. dun even tok abt any org in particular. dun get me wrong. my attach job is fine. it's just politics tht we have to be aware of in the working world. tht is what sux. in everything, the people-people shit is always so damn annoying.
i'm learning alot from the producers at work. they give me good advice and tips after a session of casting and all...
the politics in an organisation, in general, can suck. working politics. dun even tok abt any org in particular. dun get me wrong. my attach job is fine. it's just politics tht we have to be aware of in the working world. tht is what sux. in everything, the people-people shit is always so damn annoying.
i'm learning alot from the producers at work. they give me good advice and tips after a session of casting and all...
and she dreams again...
today was continuous audtitions from 10am all the way till 7pm. not even a proper lunch break. am very worn out. came home and it was a bad nite. damn.when days are bad, they are just realli bad
today was continuous audtitions from 10am all the way till 7pm. not even a proper lunch break. am very worn out. came home and it was a bad nite. damn.when days are bad, they are just realli bad
Thursday, November 20, 2003
and she dreams again...
gosh, ive made a few mistakes today and the other day. ONE: after calling the modelling agencies, only one company got back to me to let me know how mnay were coming. even then, i shold have called them, asked for who is coming, and what time. haiz, caused me and my producer to be so tired. TWO: i should have blocked out lunch time. THREE: i shouldnt have adviced them on what to do, coz the producer shld do the brifing...sheesh.....booboos for today.....will egt back. more models are here
gosh, ive made a few mistakes today and the other day. ONE: after calling the modelling agencies, only one company got back to me to let me know how mnay were coming. even then, i shold have called them, asked for who is coming, and what time. haiz, caused me and my producer to be so tired. TWO: i should have blocked out lunch time. THREE: i shouldnt have adviced them on what to do, coz the producer shld do the brifing...sheesh.....booboos for today.....will egt back. more models are here
and she dreams again...
GOOD MORNING. its 10am in the day. i've a full day of auditioning models and what have you today. hmm..=) newaz, yesterday was a great day, despite the fact tht im so tired now, coz i was home late. I went for vocal lesson, and well, ended up pretty stressed, coz we have alot to practise, and we all have to decided on a song, which i still haven decided upon. Doesn't sound stressful to you, but it's very impt to me. I'm okay with the scale/chord warm up, but my projecttion technique and holding of note still aint tht great. However, i've improved since last week, according to Aaron :)
After work, i didn't leave. I was tired, one, two, suddenly felt so upset. over maybe job and stuff. so, i stayed back and four of us, Aaron, Ernest, ERic ( another Eric), me had a little sing-along session. We left at ard 10+, and two fo them stay in tampines!! hehehe. so happy.
yuup, thts about it for now. a model just came, i gotta go. bye
GOOD MORNING. its 10am in the day. i've a full day of auditioning models and what have you today. hmm..=) newaz, yesterday was a great day, despite the fact tht im so tired now, coz i was home late. I went for vocal lesson, and well, ended up pretty stressed, coz we have alot to practise, and we all have to decided on a song, which i still haven decided upon. Doesn't sound stressful to you, but it's very impt to me. I'm okay with the scale/chord warm up, but my projecttion technique and holding of note still aint tht great. However, i've improved since last week, according to Aaron :)
After work, i didn't leave. I was tired, one, two, suddenly felt so upset. over maybe job and stuff. so, i stayed back and four of us, Aaron, Ernest, ERic ( another Eric), me had a little sing-along session. We left at ard 10+, and two fo them stay in tampines!! hehehe. so happy.
yuup, thts about it for now. a model just came, i gotta go. bye
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
and she dreams again...
casting got cancelled at work...coz my talents are ill.. sigh. hope she gets well soon. I was thinking: we shld have a retromonks e-grp or smth. what say you bright? k, was busy checking up on web-hosting earlier for my company. We digitised the clips for casting yesterday and burnt it to mp3 format on cd. See what the client. says
im sleepy. so sleepy. coz for the third nite in a row, i slept at 3+ and woke at 7am. now, im too tired to head out for lunch. oh....shucks.
[ a few hrs later]
had lunch in the office, noodels, eee, not nice one...watched nemo while eating. our lounge area is very comfu ya see.
a model came for casting then me and the other intern, HJ, got busy with the footage again. i made quite a number of calls today, to web hosting companies, to model agencies, free lance artists..haha, quite the fun la. something was wrong with the camera earlier, sound distorted. No, its not the same problem as our XL1 in schl....
ltr gg for vocal lesson..yays=)
casting got cancelled at work...coz my talents are ill.. sigh. hope she gets well soon. I was thinking: we shld have a retromonks e-grp or smth. what say you bright? k, was busy checking up on web-hosting earlier for my company. We digitised the clips for casting yesterday and burnt it to mp3 format on cd. See what the client. says
im sleepy. so sleepy. coz for the third nite in a row, i slept at 3+ and woke at 7am. now, im too tired to head out for lunch. oh....shucks.
[ a few hrs later]
had lunch in the office, noodels, eee, not nice one...watched nemo while eating. our lounge area is very comfu ya see.
a model came for casting then me and the other intern, HJ, got busy with the footage again. i made quite a number of calls today, to web hosting companies, to model agencies, free lance artists..haha, quite the fun la. something was wrong with the camera earlier, sound distorted. No, its not the same problem as our XL1 in schl....
ltr gg for vocal lesson..yays=)
and she dreams again...
zaki's retromonks domain has a first page, an entry page, it's quite funky. go see. And, to introduce to all, retromonks cafePress, selling stuffs that even I don't believe they are doing for real. dont ask me if that didnt sound correct.
zaki's retromonks domain has a first page, an entry page, it's quite funky. go see. And, to introduce to all, retromonks cafePress, selling stuffs that even I don't believe they are doing for real. dont ask me if that didnt sound correct.
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
and she dreams again...
had lucnh with bright at macs today...spent the whole day with the auditions for the advert. More and more models and yet, still not many potentials. it's always one or two out of four. Tomorrow,will be busy with auditions too. Bright and i discussed a great deal about the retromonks topics and stuff...we shall have more new stuff. It's a great project tht took a while to start up, but thank you everyone on his behalf for making such a success up to now.
had lucnh with bright at macs today...spent the whole day with the auditions for the advert. More and more models and yet, still not many potentials. it's always one or two out of four. Tomorrow,will be busy with auditions too. Bright and i discussed a great deal about the retromonks topics and stuff...we shall have more new stuff. It's a great project tht took a while to start up, but thank you everyone on his behalf for making such a success up to now.
and she dreams again...
morningz.....yeah, good day to all of you....
bored?? go retromonks...bored? go blog...tired? stare at retromonks ...hahaha...complains ? go retromonks go retromonks...kekeke...wana have more friends? also go retromonks...=D
i was terlling neil last nite, that my vocal instructos's tyle and "feng ge" vry similar to his..hahahatht guy can really be thick skin one leh!! call him gd looking, he acknowledge! wahaha
morningz.....yeah, good day to all of you....
bored?? go retromonks...bored? go blog...tired? stare at retromonks ...hahaha...complains ? go retromonks go retromonks...kekeke...wana have more friends? also go retromonks...=D
i was terlling neil last nite, that my vocal instructos's tyle and "feng ge" vry similar to his..hahahatht guy can really be thick skin one leh!! call him gd looking, he acknowledge! wahaha
and she dreams again...
i'm not sleeping yet. coz im addicted to retromonks. haha. great forum it is. great stuff it has.
the journey from boon lay to tanah merah without my music, would have just "killed"me.
i'm not sleeping yet. coz im addicted to retromonks. haha. great forum it is. great stuff it has.
the journey from boon lay to tanah merah without my music, would have just "killed"me.
Monday, November 17, 2003
and she dreams again...
good morning one and all.
dinner was good last night and so was the company. My choir did a great job is church too.
i'm quitting my waitressing job. very siib. It's about time to move onto something else.
am at work again. apparently, there are others in the office who share the same sentiments as i have---we're all very sleepy.
haha. yes.
i mite be having lunch with bright todae. he stays so near to novena if you're wondering why.
good morning one and all.
dinner was good last night and so was the company. My choir did a great job is church too.
i'm quitting my waitressing job. very siib. It's about time to move onto something else.
am at work again. apparently, there are others in the office who share the same sentiments as i have---we're all very sleepy.
haha. yes.
i mite be having lunch with bright todae. he stays so near to novena if you're wondering why.
Sunday, November 16, 2003
and she dreams again... in a lil difficult position here. coz im grieving for my friend who lost her father last nite, and yet tonite, im attending a dinner. I'd be gg down to see her tmr. feel horrible.
i'm quitting my part-time job. soon. gg to speak to my kor abt it first. in a lil difficult position here. coz im grieving for my friend who lost her father last nite, and yet tonite, im attending a dinner. I'd be gg down to see her tmr. feel horrible.
i'm quitting my part-time job. soon. gg to speak to my kor abt it first.
and she dreams again...
It was a very bad nite at work today
i was scolded by both bosses. i dont mean like those small little scoldings, i mean like realli big scolding, near to "you are fir3ed" scolding. from the time i woke up today, which was 3+, i felt very weird. something just wasnt rite. i wasnt sure whether it was just becoz i overslept, that maybe i was still way tired from yesterday, but i felt smth was absolutely not rite. i got to work, and pple were all in weird moods. wendy was extremely hot-tempered today. i knew smth was gonna happen tonite...and i was afriad i was gg to fuck up for her to see. i realli did. i just wasnt myself today--felt damn werid, like i told the rest. it wasnt becoz i wasnt feeling well, however, my eyes have been feeling awfully heavy and i just felt weird. anyway, the mistake i made today, was becoz i misunderstood the bosses, didnt consult them about it, coz i tot tht was what they meant, hence, i got the shit manager in trouble and the big boss came hammering after both of us and another poor staff tht got involved. i shld be terminatd by now. was so fucked tonite. i wasnt angry--but i was very upset abt it. one of the most senior riders, whoose known me since i was in the other branch, he told me not to be angyr weith the bosses. im not. why shld i? im just very upset.
whats wif today? i could have joined my frens to watch matrix again,.but i decided to go work instead.
my freind's father just passed away shortly after i got off work.
why? i feel like bursting out and crying. since last nite, ive been feeling this overwhelming sense of whatever you wana call it-- just feelings of smth happening, feelings of smth not being rite. i hope im not getting some freaking sixth sense.
im gg slp. i hate it today. sorry.
It was a very bad nite at work today
i was scolded by both bosses. i dont mean like those small little scoldings, i mean like realli big scolding, near to "you are fir3ed" scolding. from the time i woke up today, which was 3+, i felt very weird. something just wasnt rite. i wasnt sure whether it was just becoz i overslept, that maybe i was still way tired from yesterday, but i felt smth was absolutely not rite. i got to work, and pple were all in weird moods. wendy was extremely hot-tempered today. i knew smth was gonna happen tonite...and i was afriad i was gg to fuck up for her to see. i realli did. i just wasnt myself today--felt damn werid, like i told the rest. it wasnt becoz i wasnt feeling well, however, my eyes have been feeling awfully heavy and i just felt weird. anyway, the mistake i made today, was becoz i misunderstood the bosses, didnt consult them about it, coz i tot tht was what they meant, hence, i got the shit manager in trouble and the big boss came hammering after both of us and another poor staff tht got involved. i shld be terminatd by now. was so fucked tonite. i wasnt angry--but i was very upset abt it. one of the most senior riders, whoose known me since i was in the other branch, he told me not to be angyr weith the bosses. im not. why shld i? im just very upset.
whats wif today? i could have joined my frens to watch matrix again,.but i decided to go work instead.
my freind's father just passed away shortly after i got off work.
why? i feel like bursting out and crying. since last nite, ive been feeling this overwhelming sense of whatever you wana call it-- just feelings of smth happening, feelings of smth not being rite. i hope im not getting some freaking sixth sense.
im gg slp. i hate it today. sorry.
Friday, November 14, 2003
and she dreams again...
alotta new links i have today huh? k, to summarise whats new here, :, blogskins, happytreefriends, friendster, zaki's page, my old jeanette winterson page. yupz
alotta new links i have today huh? k, to summarise whats new here, :, blogskins, happytreefriends, friendster, zaki's page, my old jeanette winterson page. yupz
and she dreams again...
one more new happy tree friends...kies..did quite alot of updating today...
one more new happy tree friends...kies..did quite alot of updating today...
and she dreams again...
okies, Huitse got me to make a few calls again and i emailed a translator for her. after which, i did re-search for her on some drugs.
its 530 now!!!yeah! can go home beri soonz! coolz....totally.
okies, Huitse got me to make a few calls again and i emailed a translator for her. after which, i did re-search for her on some drugs.
its 530 now!!!yeah! can go home beri soonz! coolz....totally.
and she dreams again...
hey, blogskins have some realli nice layouts...go take a gg to change the jw layout, theres one blogskin thts very pretty...
hey, blogskins have some realli nice layouts...go take a gg to change the jw layout, theres one blogskin thts very pretty...
and she dreams again...
am back from lunch...this week only tue and wed was fun. i sure hope next week they give me a lil something to do everyday. Jacqueline will be visiting work next week! olrites....=)
am back from lunch...this week only tue and wed was fun. i sure hope next week they give me a lil something to do everyday. Jacqueline will be visiting work next week! olrites....=)
and she dreams again...
Hey all, ANNOUCEMENT: on my links, i have altered the link to RETROMONKS. Instead of the foumrs, it will be linked to RETROMONKS.NET directly--hosted by both Shaun "cow" and bright "the lightbulb". It is a VERY, VERY, swesome site, so, PLEASE, do go have a look at what these two dudes have done. The forums has a link in RETROMONKS.NET.
good job guys. well done.
Hey all, ANNOUCEMENT: on my links, i have altered the link to RETROMONKS. Instead of the foumrs, it will be linked to RETROMONKS.NET directly--hosted by both Shaun "cow" and bright "the lightbulb". It is a VERY, VERY, swesome site, so, PLEASE, do go have a look at what these two dudes have done. The forums has a link in RETROMONKS.NET.
good job guys. well done.
and she dreams again...
morning, morning...:)
haha, had 3+ hrs of sleep again!! eh, but coz last nite, was busy audiograbbing songs from my cd collection, coz im choosing songs for vocal class...actuali, ive too many i keep pulling need ta check out some singers's songs...but my kazza...i miss the lil cool programme...need to use soul-seek or smth...bleah! wish i had an i-pod. . . aaagghhh! shaun!!! *muttermutter* i want ipod. blurdy macoronis....
...lalala...made a few calls again to translators, nothing to do lehs....but i brought my sopphie's world to read :)...and of coz my music...
oh gosh, ive been getting these stomach aches at work for like the whole tummy's so whacked with the adjustments and all..keke...-gesh, i actualli told you tt-....~~ yoz, my bro said my drawing's not bad leh...hehe...sho pleased with maself....must continue to draw, trace...whatever....maybe i just mite be able to devdlop my skills....slowly, gradually...
em, dad's not happy about mynew phone...its disconnected alreadi...oh, point fighting over smth of such smakk degree...i noe thier yea...
hhmmmzzz...whot else??, think abt it then write kays...
morning, morning...:)
haha, had 3+ hrs of sleep again!! eh, but coz last nite, was busy audiograbbing songs from my cd collection, coz im choosing songs for vocal class...actuali, ive too many i keep pulling need ta check out some singers's songs...but my kazza...i miss the lil cool programme...need to use soul-seek or smth...bleah! wish i had an i-pod. . . aaagghhh! shaun!!! *muttermutter* i want ipod. blurdy macoronis....
...lalala...made a few calls again to translators, nothing to do lehs....but i brought my sopphie's world to read :)...and of coz my music...
oh gosh, ive been getting these stomach aches at work for like the whole tummy's so whacked with the adjustments and all..keke...-gesh, i actualli told you tt-....~~ yoz, my bro said my drawing's not bad leh...hehe...sho pleased with maself....must continue to draw, trace...whatever....maybe i just mite be able to devdlop my skills....slowly, gradually...
em, dad's not happy about mynew phone...its disconnected alreadi...oh, point fighting over smth of such smakk degree...i noe thier yea...
hhmmmzzz...whot else??, think abt it then write kays...
Thursday, November 13, 2003
and she dreams again...
ive been online the whole day. ive no work today, yet. oh man. i wana go home NOW! so very sleepy. i bought two t-shirts from giodrano, yea...and guess what? i bought white.-->yes, white. heh. feels a lil odd wearing white, but think it's fine, yeas? oh, you know the animation guys in my workplace, they are realli chill-out dudes--really. just so funky monkey---ooo..where did tht come from?? oh yeah...
ive been online the whole day. ive no work today, yet. oh man. i wana go home NOW! so very sleepy. i bought two t-shirts from giodrano, yea...and guess what? i bought white.-->yes, white. heh. feels a lil odd wearing white, but think it's fine, yeas? oh, you know the animation guys in my workplace, they are realli chill-out dudes--really. just so funky monkey---ooo..where did tht come from?? oh yeah...
and she dreams again...
morning everyone :)....T_T only has three+ hrs of sleep, yesterday was one long of a day! ahaha! at work, i called companies, got them quotations, then learnt a whole new editing software and sound software=) that just rawks! the edit machines here have almost every adobe software. . . gawd-pengz- after which, i helped King Wai to transcript a 7 min video....both visuals and, tht took me half the day. by the time i was done with tht, i pok-eye liao!
went for vocal lesson=) straight after, with some bk dinner. vocal lesson was even more enjoyable yesterday and we were a bunch of luaghing idiots! aaron's such a good insturctor...finally signed the contract with them. Kenn getting some of us to join ming ge can ting!!!!! hehe! ^____^ lesson ended at 940 man!
then headed down to pizza for customer mania meeting, which was like from 1115-120 am....yes...thts how long....but it was a fun thing=) bid w house phone for myself! -uhhum- -bean-
so, cab home with big boss, bathed, slept at, you can imagine how very sleepy i am now...but ive nothing on tonite, which is a relief!
Anyway, fourth day into the job, i'm doing quite ok now...see what i'll get to do today....
saturday, im torn between a movie (matrix again!) and work. howz?? ple?
morning everyone :)....T_T only has three+ hrs of sleep, yesterday was one long of a day! ahaha! at work, i called companies, got them quotations, then learnt a whole new editing software and sound software=) that just rawks! the edit machines here have almost every adobe software. . . gawd-pengz- after which, i helped King Wai to transcript a 7 min video....both visuals and, tht took me half the day. by the time i was done with tht, i pok-eye liao!
went for vocal lesson=) straight after, with some bk dinner. vocal lesson was even more enjoyable yesterday and we were a bunch of luaghing idiots! aaron's such a good insturctor...finally signed the contract with them. Kenn getting some of us to join ming ge can ting!!!!! hehe! ^____^ lesson ended at 940 man!
then headed down to pizza for customer mania meeting, which was like from 1115-120 am....yes...thts how long....but it was a fun thing=) bid w house phone for myself! -uhhum- -bean-
so, cab home with big boss, bathed, slept at, you can imagine how very sleepy i am now...but ive nothing on tonite, which is a relief!
Anyway, fourth day into the job, i'm doing quite ok now...see what i'll get to do today....
saturday, im torn between a movie (matrix again!) and work. howz?? ple?
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
and she dreams again...
hizzz...morningz to work now, just made quite a number of calls and they finally picked up!! woohoo! =) pollyn's half way teaching me thier editing system, later gonna edit! alrite! wah...only thing, so sleepy..hurhur...ltr go lesson then have meeting tonite...dun think i'd be gonin online...will miz the chat rm peeps!...third day into the job, okays la...realli.
hizzz...morningz to work now, just made quite a number of calls and they finally picked up!! woohoo! =) pollyn's half way teaching me thier editing system, later gonna edit! alrite! wah...only thing, so sleepy..hurhur...ltr go lesson then have meeting tonite...dun think i'd be gonin online...will miz the chat rm peeps!...third day into the job, okays la...realli.
and she dreams again...
i noe i've been so happ...and so sentimental too...but i think its coz ive been too happy. at work, well, i find acertain kind of achievement coming out of it...and at home, its the ps, those frens are just so like comfort kind. pillow! heheh...and well, when i get home, all weary and worn, pple like bran and perl and jason just make my nite so much better....i find, is it me? or is it that things are really turning out better? after such an extremely rough year? I know God has been watching over me all this whle, in good and bad times, but i guess in the bad times, sometimes, it's realli hard to make yrself happy. or smth like tt. coz now, eveywhere i have pple to add a cushion and comforter...thanks, all, for yr love, for laying out an invisible mattress,,,for me to rest...coz the rd has been scalding all of you. Love you most God.
i noe i've been so happ...and so sentimental too...but i think its coz ive been too happy. at work, well, i find acertain kind of achievement coming out of it...and at home, its the ps, those frens are just so like comfort kind. pillow! heheh...and well, when i get home, all weary and worn, pple like bran and perl and jason just make my nite so much better....i find, is it me? or is it that things are really turning out better? after such an extremely rough year? I know God has been watching over me all this whle, in good and bad times, but i guess in the bad times, sometimes, it's realli hard to make yrself happy. or smth like tt. coz now, eveywhere i have pple to add a cushion and comforter...thanks, all, for yr love, for laying out an invisible mattress,,,for me to rest...coz the rd has been scalding all of you. Love you most God.
and she dreams again...

-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
and she dreams again...
feeling very shack tho....oh, but gg there is alot faster than gg to schl. i was the first at work again. heh. Mr cheng called again/ so nice la. think today i dun feel so werid coz im in casual wear and in my comforst colour---yes, black.=)
hee...good nite all *lol*. chat room is crazy those peeps....
feeling very shack tho....oh, but gg there is alot faster than gg to schl. i was the first at work again. heh. Mr cheng called again/ so nice la. think today i dun feel so werid coz im in casual wear and in my comforst colour---yes, black.=)
hee...good nite all *lol*. chat room is crazy those peeps....
and she dreams again...
something made work today all worth while. After lunch, I still tried making some calls for the producer directly in charge of me, Hui Tse...then Keng Wye, producer/director, he has some talents over for rehersal, for thier upcomintg shoot. I joined in since i had nothing to do, and ended up learning alot from him. The session of rehersal wqas letting the talents get into character, acting out the script well. As all script writers noe, only they themselves noe the characters the best. So Keng whye explained why certain lines were used in the script and why, how to go abt expressing them, and he was pretty strict abt it. For awhile, the two guys esp, werent getting the character rite, and he said, no, this wun do.
so thts pretty much how i spent the rest of the working day. At the end of it, Keng whye and i sat at the lougne and we talked about what i observed, any opinions, suggestions tht we could have improved on, and we both had a better understanding of each other. The ice has definitely broken between him and me, Huitse too, Indra, the other producer, and one of the animators, Gary The edit girls, Pollyn and Pam taught me quite abit at work today too.
it was a fruitful, enjoyable day.=)
something made work today all worth while. After lunch, I still tried making some calls for the producer directly in charge of me, Hui Tse...then Keng Wye, producer/director, he has some talents over for rehersal, for thier upcomintg shoot. I joined in since i had nothing to do, and ended up learning alot from him. The session of rehersal wqas letting the talents get into character, acting out the script well. As all script writers noe, only they themselves noe the characters the best. So Keng whye explained why certain lines were used in the script and why, how to go abt expressing them, and he was pretty strict abt it. For awhile, the two guys esp, werent getting the character rite, and he said, no, this wun do.
so thts pretty much how i spent the rest of the working day. At the end of it, Keng whye and i sat at the lougne and we talked about what i observed, any opinions, suggestions tht we could have improved on, and we both had a better understanding of each other. The ice has definitely broken between him and me, Huitse too, Indra, the other producer, and one of the animators, Gary The edit girls, Pollyn and Pam taught me quite abit at work today too.
it was a fruitful, enjoyable day.=)
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
and she dreams again...
found some furniture rentals places in the yellow pages, but you know what? they dun pick up the my producer and i are outta luck so lucky...hmm...dunno tmr gotta try callin again...
found some furniture rentals places in the yellow pages, but you know what? they dun pick up the my producer and i are outta luck so lucky...hmm...dunno tmr gotta try callin again...
and she dreams again...
oh gawd. falling asleep alreadi...even tho im reading interview with the vampire...O_O tryin to stay im online now. I must try to keep myself occupied for as long as possible...otherwise im gonna go mad. realli. Oh kewl, my producer just asked me todo some online shopping for her. heh..kays..thts kewl....will be back...O_o...zzzz
oh gawd. falling asleep alreadi...even tho im reading interview with the vampire...O_O tryin to stay im online now. I must try to keep myself occupied for as long as possible...otherwise im gonna go mad. realli. Oh kewl, my producer just asked me todo some online shopping for her. heh..kays..thts kewl....will be back...O_o...zzzz
Monday, November 10, 2003
and she dreams again...
gg to watch wishing stairs later...cant wait to meet up with the so need to from what?? from all the nerve wreck today....-sweatdrops-
gg to watch wishing stairs later...cant wait to meet up with the so need to from what?? from all the nerve wreck today....-sweatdrops-
and she dreams again...
it's now 4.45pm...i went with one of the producers and another NTU intern to ikea for lunch. we went there to buy props for a shoot they are having on sat. I'm not involved in that shoot just yet. for the moment, i have nothing to do. i'm still abit nervous and, i'm very sleepy. My cheng called up. how nice :)
it's now 4.45pm...i went with one of the producers and another NTU intern to ikea for lunch. we went there to buy props for a shoot they are having on sat. I'm not involved in that shoot just yet. for the moment, i have nothing to do. i'm still abit nervous and, i'm very sleepy. My cheng called up. how nice :)
and she dreams again... the company now. its a lil quaint house, with admin people outside and animators get one room...editors get one room...the place is very pretty...a producer is in charge of waiting for further briefing...allowed to chill now..=0)
im soooo sleepy!!!! ...heh....thier vidoes are not bad...they use alot of flash animation too...editing is swell..yea.heh the company now. its a lil quaint house, with admin people outside and animators get one room...editors get one room...the place is very pretty...a producer is in charge of waiting for further briefing...allowed to chill now..=0)
im soooo sleepy!!!! ...heh....thier vidoes are not bad...they use alot of flash animation too...editing is swell..yea.heh
Sunday, November 09, 2003
and she dreams again...
i can't help it. just getting all nervous and excited. bbrrr. have to remember to bring the itp book tmr, and prepare some stuff. feels worse than first day of schl. tho thecnically, it shld be pretty "fun"? dunno, think i'd feel alot better after thye first day. there. kk, i'm sure tmr will be more "interesting" to write. heh. no la, i'm ok...look forawrd to it a tinnie bit.
i can't help it. just getting all nervous and excited. bbrrr. have to remember to bring the itp book tmr, and prepare some stuff. feels worse than first day of schl. tho thecnically, it shld be pretty "fun"? dunno, think i'd feel alot better after thye first day. there. kk, i'm sure tmr will be more "interesting" to write. heh. no la, i'm ok...look forawrd to it a tinnie bit.
and she dreams again...
For cummunion hymm today, we sang "We remember" and Sam conducted very well. The dynamics were there and the emotions was swell. he always conducts well, but our choir has an interesting way of sounding best during communion. haha=) Weiyi is done with exams, and so is sam, but charlene and fred are only just starting :( Jared too, he has his tmr. A levels. All the best to all fo them. We went out for dinner, after ages and ages it seems. Surely was nice to gather and catch up for abit. All of us busy talking about Christmas plans, what we'll be doing for choir and personally too...a great season of joy to look forward to. I love it.
I'm so glad Suhui is ok. That's al i can say. God is great.
well, tmr is the start of itp. everyone, all the best.
another wonderful day :)
For cummunion hymm today, we sang "We remember" and Sam conducted very well. The dynamics were there and the emotions was swell. he always conducts well, but our choir has an interesting way of sounding best during communion. haha=) Weiyi is done with exams, and so is sam, but charlene and fred are only just starting :( Jared too, he has his tmr. A levels. All the best to all fo them. We went out for dinner, after ages and ages it seems. Surely was nice to gather and catch up for abit. All of us busy talking about Christmas plans, what we'll be doing for choir and personally too...a great season of joy to look forward to. I love it.
I'm so glad Suhui is ok. That's al i can say. God is great.
well, tmr is the start of itp. everyone, all the best.
another wonderful day :)
and she dreams again...
a new layout...pretty neat ? i like it...=) so my colour..heh
it was another good day, which God must have blessed=)
Woke up in the afternoon as usual, heh, coz i sleep late yea, was at home for abit, then went to work. it was again a crazy saturday crowd, customers streamed in continuously; and being the most senior in the service floor today, i had to be the door person, what we call CSR-- so, i had to plan where the customers were to sit, how many settings to prepare etc while my fellow staff handled the rest of the service needed. Of course i helped too. Maybe becoz i had alot of rest, i was very alert today, and tho the job was pretty mentally exhausting, i did fine=) My manager gave me a voucher after work as a little reward. heh :) It was nice to receive it .
After work, some of us went up to starbucks to chill and Jia hao and me treated the rest. namely, jasmine, michelle and sam, sally, hui xin...thats abt it. East people took cab home coz it was getting late. When i reached home, i felt good becoz i really appreciate all this little time i have to spend with various friends. Yet still have time for family. It's wonderful. Even managed to "hang out" a lil with sally before work started. Tried Auntie Anne's and loved it. aha.
Eric seemed pretty happy today. So that's good. Shuan and Brighton had a gd evening too. So did angie and vicki yesterday. Mmm=) Oh, just realised i kn ow two eric's hahaa...getting to know too many people! heh but i'm not complaining.
so have yrself a good nite. Tmr we start practicing for christmas songs at choir. alrite=)
a new layout...pretty neat ? i like it...=) so my colour..heh
it was another good day, which God must have blessed=)
Woke up in the afternoon as usual, heh, coz i sleep late yea, was at home for abit, then went to work. it was again a crazy saturday crowd, customers streamed in continuously; and being the most senior in the service floor today, i had to be the door person, what we call CSR-- so, i had to plan where the customers were to sit, how many settings to prepare etc while my fellow staff handled the rest of the service needed. Of course i helped too. Maybe becoz i had alot of rest, i was very alert today, and tho the job was pretty mentally exhausting, i did fine=) My manager gave me a voucher after work as a little reward. heh :) It was nice to receive it .
After work, some of us went up to starbucks to chill and Jia hao and me treated the rest. namely, jasmine, michelle and sam, sally, hui xin...thats abt it. East people took cab home coz it was getting late. When i reached home, i felt good becoz i really appreciate all this little time i have to spend with various friends. Yet still have time for family. It's wonderful. Even managed to "hang out" a lil with sally before work started. Tried Auntie Anne's and loved it. aha.
Eric seemed pretty happy today. So that's good. Shuan and Brighton had a gd evening too. So did angie and vicki yesterday. Mmm=) Oh, just realised i kn ow two eric's hahaa...getting to know too many people! heh but i'm not complaining.
so have yrself a good nite. Tmr we start practicing for christmas songs at choir. alrite=)
Friday, November 07, 2003
and she dreams again...
everything's good...will slp well...tonite...
tho there is one person i am very worried abt at the moment...i hope i really hope she's alrite.
everything's good...will slp well...tonite...
tho there is one person i am very worried abt at the moment...i hope i really hope she's alrite.
and she dreams again...
it's been a pretty good few days...with stuff happening that's making me really happy...the frens online have been swell=) heres to you, perl!! and the rest of the fsv2, bumped into old fren amanda from pri schl...some of the nicest things my dear friends are saying on my friendster..frens at work have been so sweet...esp my bain tai yun fang!! gao les ah!! ahahahaha...nono, we act onli!! hee....then went down yest to meet cant see shaun and brighton liao...coz cant meet them on sat...oh...and all the great personal chats ive been having with frens like sally...meeting her for lunch on sat...things at home are real good too :)...a good balance and equation is finally coming outta all this...this long rough rough is so powerful. i mean love of family and frens.
not the other love...not yet. tht i dun have much to say...coz tht is the door to my messed up heart and soul.
i just really appreciate the way things are now. thank yoiu God.
bumped into wanli todae good to see her again...we're always bumping into each funny...then we'd catch up wif each other rite there and then...then we part with these really good the vibes i was tokin to perl abt..hehe :) i'm feeling very happy...God is blessing me. really.
it's been a pretty good few days...with stuff happening that's making me really happy...the frens online have been swell=) heres to you, perl!! and the rest of the fsv2, bumped into old fren amanda from pri schl...some of the nicest things my dear friends are saying on my friendster..frens at work have been so sweet...esp my bain tai yun fang!! gao les ah!! ahahahaha...nono, we act onli!! hee....then went down yest to meet cant see shaun and brighton liao...coz cant meet them on sat...oh...and all the great personal chats ive been having with frens like sally...meeting her for lunch on sat...things at home are real good too :)...a good balance and equation is finally coming outta all this...this long rough rough is so powerful. i mean love of family and frens.
not the other love...not yet. tht i dun have much to say...coz tht is the door to my messed up heart and soul.
i just really appreciate the way things are now. thank yoiu God.
bumped into wanli todae good to see her again...we're always bumping into each funny...then we'd catch up wif each other rite there and then...then we part with these really good the vibes i was tokin to perl abt..hehe :) i'm feeling very happy...God is blessing me. really.
and she dreams again...
i bought the super fresh album...its got good variety...anyways...haven spoken to brighton in awhile..haha...tho not meeting them tmr in the end, had a nice chat wif him....matrix was overwhelming....woot
i bought the super fresh album...its got good variety...anyways...haven spoken to brighton in awhile..haha...tho not meeting them tmr in the end, had a nice chat wif him....matrix was overwhelming....woot
and she dreams again...
Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their
conversational skills will be as important as any other.
Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.
When you say, "I love you", mean it.
When you say, "I'm sorry", look the person in the eye.
Be engaged at least six months before you get married.
Believe in love at first sight.
Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who
don't have dreams don't have much.
Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt
but it's the only way to live life completely.
In disagreements, fight fairly. Please No name calling.
Don't judge people by their relatives.
Talk slowly but think quickly.
When someone asks you a question you don't want
to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"
Remember that great love and great
achievements involve great risk.
Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.
When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
Remember the three R's:
Respect for self;
Respect for others;
Responsibility for all your actions.
Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
When you realize you've made a mistake,
take immediate steps to correct it.
Smile when picking up the phone.
The caller will hear it in your voice.
Spend some time alone.
Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their
conversational skills will be as important as any other.
Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.
When you say, "I love you", mean it.
When you say, "I'm sorry", look the person in the eye.
Be engaged at least six months before you get married.
Believe in love at first sight.
Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who
don't have dreams don't have much.
Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt
but it's the only way to live life completely.
In disagreements, fight fairly. Please No name calling.
Don't judge people by their relatives.
Talk slowly but think quickly.
When someone asks you a question you don't want
to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"
Remember that great love and great
achievements involve great risk.
Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.
When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
Remember the three R's:
Respect for self;
Respect for others;
Responsibility for all your actions.
Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
When you realize you've made a mistake,
take immediate steps to correct it.
Smile when picking up the phone.
The caller will hear it in your voice.
Spend some time alone.
Thursday, November 06, 2003
and she dreams again...
lately, been having alot of quiet time to myself..once i get home after work, after the ups and/or downs of the day...i'd be done chatting online, surfing, and, i'd be up till real late in the thing coz i love the nite...and since theres no schl, theres no rush to wake i'd sleep in the next day...i'd have this time to think things reflect on the day, on stuff...on myself and the people ard me...and i notcied, it's pretty good. to reflect, to have time for quieten down yr mind and be at peace with yrself...tho it'd make me all sad at times, i think it's very good...
lately, been having alot of quiet time to myself..once i get home after work, after the ups and/or downs of the day...i'd be done chatting online, surfing, and, i'd be up till real late in the thing coz i love the nite...and since theres no schl, theres no rush to wake i'd sleep in the next day...i'd have this time to think things reflect on the day, on stuff...on myself and the people ard me...and i notcied, it's pretty good. to reflect, to have time for quieten down yr mind and be at peace with yrself...tho it'd make me all sad at times, i think it's very good...
and she dreams again...
sheryl crows album is really good...wana go check out the best of album for suede and the apple album too...
sheryl crows album is really good...wana go check out the best of album for suede and the apple album too...
and she dreams again...
hmm..heyhey...todae was enjoyable...a short nite out but had a couple of good chats wif frens...and all...was real good...
seems my hair cut must be realli quite nice...coz lots of pple like it.a lil short but its nice...heh=)
.went for thr third vocal lesson todae...learnt aot from Aaron, my vocal instructor..he realli noes i'd have to pracrise eveyday now...=)...hope to get thru the (vmp) vocalist management programme succesfully, then go onto artist management programme and studio training...yeap...i'm very serious about this. it's my passion.
after lesson, janie and i went back together coz she kept insisting on wanting to buy chocolate...tho o was gg down to my workplace for anyway, as annoying as she can get at times, i realised how nice it is to be like her sometimes...chil-like and young...i noe im still young...but her maturity seems so much lesser than me now..i guess i was once like tt too...and i miss it sometimes...coz now, i realise as i was talking to her, that i've grown up quite abit myself. i kept asking her, janie, r u 7 or 17? for goodness sake, grow up, will ya?...was abit harsh on her...feel so's sometimes things that happen to us that force us to mature and grow up...and for me, i've gone thru quite abit i realised...
after i switched train, i reached my workplace and went to look for taco-pachi for eric...i remember he likes this stuff...but auntie closed her store i walked across to the next store and bought the seafood snckas...tempura and all...went into my workplace and waited for eric to come back from order...jia hao, kelvin and gf, yun fang, big sis sally, were all workin today...bear too, uncle dzul...who "teng wo" alot...emm...oh, ya, bennt too...luckily told jas not to meet me...eirc came back and he didnt noe i was there...gave him a nice suprise tap on his cap when he was walking to the smoking area...he was quite choked, and told him i bought tht stuff for him....he's my kor...and has been for pretty sad coz i wun be seeing him for the nest two mths...coz of attachment...he doesnt work on sats you i wun get to see didnt want to go back so soon...but after chatting and eating abit, sally kept bugging to go we did. haiz....
had a good chat with her on the train home...ended up tokin abt nick...and the story was half told the end of the day, i realised i had a great day...coz i spent quality time with a few of my frens despite how lil i see them....
good nite world..has been a wonderful God given day...sweet drms...good nite to my online frens too...they have been much fun online every nite...spark up my day=0)
luv ya all...slp well...from a gal who loves too much.
a fren i care for said to me once " mel, you have enormous heart to love the un-loved"...and he's so rite...which is also prob why i make it so difficult for myself to differientiate...oh well...
-hug myself-
hmm..heyhey...todae was enjoyable...a short nite out but had a couple of good chats wif frens...and all...was real good...
seems my hair cut must be realli quite nice...coz lots of pple like it.a lil short but its nice...heh=)
.went for thr third vocal lesson todae...learnt aot from Aaron, my vocal instructor..he realli noes i'd have to pracrise eveyday now...=)...hope to get thru the (vmp) vocalist management programme succesfully, then go onto artist management programme and studio training...yeap...i'm very serious about this. it's my passion.
after lesson, janie and i went back together coz she kept insisting on wanting to buy chocolate...tho o was gg down to my workplace for anyway, as annoying as she can get at times, i realised how nice it is to be like her sometimes...chil-like and young...i noe im still young...but her maturity seems so much lesser than me now..i guess i was once like tt too...and i miss it sometimes...coz now, i realise as i was talking to her, that i've grown up quite abit myself. i kept asking her, janie, r u 7 or 17? for goodness sake, grow up, will ya?...was abit harsh on her...feel so's sometimes things that happen to us that force us to mature and grow up...and for me, i've gone thru quite abit i realised...
after i switched train, i reached my workplace and went to look for taco-pachi for eric...i remember he likes this stuff...but auntie closed her store i walked across to the next store and bought the seafood snckas...tempura and all...went into my workplace and waited for eric to come back from order...jia hao, kelvin and gf, yun fang, big sis sally, were all workin today...bear too, uncle dzul...who "teng wo" alot...emm...oh, ya, bennt too...luckily told jas not to meet me...eirc came back and he didnt noe i was there...gave him a nice suprise tap on his cap when he was walking to the smoking area...he was quite choked, and told him i bought tht stuff for him....he's my kor...and has been for pretty sad coz i wun be seeing him for the nest two mths...coz of attachment...he doesnt work on sats you i wun get to see didnt want to go back so soon...but after chatting and eating abit, sally kept bugging to go we did. haiz....
had a good chat with her on the train home...ended up tokin abt nick...and the story was half told the end of the day, i realised i had a great day...coz i spent quality time with a few of my frens despite how lil i see them....
good nite world..has been a wonderful God given day...sweet drms...good nite to my online frens too...they have been much fun online every nite...spark up my day=0)
luv ya all...slp well...from a gal who loves too much.
a fren i care for said to me once " mel, you have enormous heart to love the un-loved"...and he's so rite...which is also prob why i make it so difficult for myself to differientiate...oh well...
-hug myself-
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
and she dreams again...
blogger is a lil screwd up...coz it doesnt show my posts....stupid blogger...agh...
blogger is a lil screwd up...coz it doesnt show my posts....stupid blogger...agh...
and she dreams again...
i hardly talk to you
we hardly even say a word
but its each time i see you
that i realise i still feel for you
somehow i still care
i noe theres nothing i can do
and its partially my faut
coz i noe im undecided
and it would be unfair
but i dun understand why
you just cannot see
i'd love you so much
if only you'll let me
tho i always say
this one wun work out
i guess its just my excuse
so i can try to forget you
but no it doesnt work
coz the more i try to
it'll stick in my mind
like a trobbing headache
that wun go away
so wun you help me out
and tok to me for once
tell me what i shld do
so i can forget you
it goes on and on like this
when i dun think of it
it aint that bad to me
but i noe deep down inside
theres alot to sort out
and i noe it'd be good, if i clear my mind for once
so i can be sure of you and why and not think so much anymore
but when all of them linger
what good does that do
but sometimes its just my mind
playing tricks on me
coz you dun like me
and theres nothing to tok abt.
so i go from day to day
helping all the others
seeing em come together and break
standing at one side
wondering where mine have all gone
or what luck ive always had
coz i realise
i love too much
i hardly talk to you
we hardly even say a word
but its each time i see you
that i realise i still feel for you
somehow i still care
i noe theres nothing i can do
and its partially my faut
coz i noe im undecided
and it would be unfair
but i dun understand why
you just cannot see
i'd love you so much
if only you'll let me
tho i always say
this one wun work out
i guess its just my excuse
so i can try to forget you
but no it doesnt work
coz the more i try to
it'll stick in my mind
like a trobbing headache
that wun go away
so wun you help me out
and tok to me for once
tell me what i shld do
so i can forget you
it goes on and on like this
when i dun think of it
it aint that bad to me
but i noe deep down inside
theres alot to sort out
and i noe it'd be good, if i clear my mind for once
so i can be sure of you and why and not think so much anymore
but when all of them linger
what good does that do
but sometimes its just my mind
playing tricks on me
coz you dun like me
and theres nothing to tok abt.
so i go from day to day
helping all the others
seeing em come together and break
standing at one side
wondering where mine have all gone
or what luck ive always had
coz i realise
i love too much
and she dreams again...
The Sheryl Crow best of album is pretty cool.
i find it so difficult to write certain things sometimes, i dunno why. these things are so strange. Just like what ana wrote on her blog, i can never comteplate/understnad why people do that kinda thing. I dun blame her for not understanding either. for goodness sake, make yrself clear. say it or dun let others find out, damn it. then why, whatever for do what you dun want to do?...i'm sorry, i've been thinking too much abt stuff too. Just a few days ago at work, my fren, jas, found out benn likes her...but in the end, she said he's all upset abt it. he bought her a cake for her berfdae yesterday, just all of a sudden...just coz hes the guy, so many of the rest think jas shld give him more time, when, really, hes the one, not wanting to tok to her...i can understand that he's sad...who wouldn't?...i sent him off at the station earlier after i always did for jia hao and samuel...but now sameul follows us to the east line coz of michelle...i dunno, these things are weird.
work has been such a breeze the past two days-so shiok=) i did pratically everything today, being the more senior one ard today...all the rest are the new 15 yr olds...haiz...ended up being cashier after a few rounds of swopping duties. both of them worked's always the case, when either both dun work, or they do. nvm that...everything turned out alot better than i tot it would. that's quite nice. wendy scolded me a couple of times , tho...she expects alot outt ame really...and she's a lil she like fa feng ai mah loh...haiz.
i wish these tots would go away...and these nostalgic feelings...hate em, really. guews i really wun be able to sort them out for quite awhile. noe ive been tryin to leave them aside, then they just resurface...but i think it will just have to take awhile.why? i aint clear abt it myself.
The Sheryl Crow best of album is pretty cool.
i find it so difficult to write certain things sometimes, i dunno why. these things are so strange. Just like what ana wrote on her blog, i can never comteplate/understnad why people do that kinda thing. I dun blame her for not understanding either. for goodness sake, make yrself clear. say it or dun let others find out, damn it. then why, whatever for do what you dun want to do?...i'm sorry, i've been thinking too much abt stuff too. Just a few days ago at work, my fren, jas, found out benn likes her...but in the end, she said he's all upset abt it. he bought her a cake for her berfdae yesterday, just all of a sudden...just coz hes the guy, so many of the rest think jas shld give him more time, when, really, hes the one, not wanting to tok to her...i can understand that he's sad...who wouldn't?...i sent him off at the station earlier after i always did for jia hao and samuel...but now sameul follows us to the east line coz of michelle...i dunno, these things are weird.
work has been such a breeze the past two days-so shiok=) i did pratically everything today, being the more senior one ard today...all the rest are the new 15 yr olds...haiz...ended up being cashier after a few rounds of swopping duties. both of them worked's always the case, when either both dun work, or they do. nvm that...everything turned out alot better than i tot it would. that's quite nice. wendy scolded me a couple of times , tho...she expects alot outt ame really...and she's a lil she like fa feng ai mah loh...haiz.
i wish these tots would go away...and these nostalgic feelings...hate em, really. guews i really wun be able to sort them out for quite awhile. noe ive been tryin to leave them aside, then they just resurface...but i think it will just have to take awhile.why? i aint clear abt it myself.