Monday, July 31, 2006 her head again.......
-12.30am on monday- (and already feeling the monday blues)
Just got back from church.
Ive been feeling quite blue since I left the house today. Very pre-occupied by thoughts and things abt the conversation i had before i left... i think i underestimated how much it wud affect me today. I eally wasnt concentrating on singing or mass or anything much at all during church.
Dinner was with my usual lovely gang whom i heart to bits... their quiet company was good enuff for me. I hope they didnt mind my silence as the night went on and i started to get weary from all tht thinking.
I wasnt just thinking abt the conversation, but i was also thinking abt him. different issue altogether. And for a while now, Ive resisted the urge to start a bk, or to write down my feelings when i cant say ceetain things to him or when I cant write it on this blog, coz its just meant to be kept between me and myself and him if i were ever to say it out. So I started writing tonight. At least I dont have to say it here, and once I feel it, I can pen it out and "throw" it out of my system.
Sometimes I forget tht I shudnt try or hope. Sometimes I forget tht I shud continue to try or hope.
After several occasions of falling out with friends; which started somehwre mid last yr I think, Ive grown very nonchalant and numb towards anything similar anymore. I also have understood the meaning of not trying to bother so much abt friends or rather not trying so hard, coz those who love u will stay.
Ive lost too many, gotten back a few, lost some again, and made new ones. Ive accepted tht at any time, anybody can just turn on you and walk away. And to me, thts fine already.
Nick told me tht day, tht it seems I always have probs with someone, at any one time. Maybe it is a problem I have. Maybe it;s just my luck. But whatever it is, I don't really care anymore.
Joyce-I still love you. But I dot understand u anymore and Im tired of not just whatever tht took place so much, but off these sort of things.
Nick godbro- Welcome back to choir. It's great to see you again with us. Maybe U just didnt love this godsister as much as she hoped, but I hope one day you'll learn forgiveness towards people u love, esp when its the hardest thing to do. But yet I understand tht sometimes even when u forgive, u dot wish to go back to it anymore. And i wud have to respect tht. But im sick and tired of it too, becoz ive tried to make it up to u already. Luf u bro.
But sometimes it's funny. Soemtimes it may appear we dont tok to people, when actually we're fighting within ourselves.
Tonight has been a bad night. Im not only troubled, I realised Im financially in the deepest red now. Im not smiling tonite. its bad.
Life is just like tht. One day u feel ure the happiest person; the most care free person ard, the next day U feel the lowest, and the most solemn.I was the first last night, after my gig, and the top of the world really feels good. The lowest is all too familiar a feeling. I have to just lift it up to God.
Tonight, da-jie asked me whether Im having a big celebration for my birthday. I looked at her, and tried to hide the sadness tht was coming thru my eyes. "No" i replied. Then she asked me tht inevitable question... which (pls dont worrie) i didnt take any offence to. Its perfectly olrite coming from her... but yea.. this yr, or rather in aug, i turn 21. and im a little confused. Ive always wanted to be 21. Ive waited yrs for this yr. But now, i dont really want to be 21. Its like YAY its finally here, but so what. Ive no one to celebrate with. Im not exactly in the mood to, and though a nice cosy affair with people who meant alot wud be nice, but whats thwe significance when im nothing. Im only smth in terms of music. Im getting somewhere... and Im looking forward to doing even better for the next two gigs. I can, and I will do well.
What does celebrating this birthday represent and signify and all? Ya, sure I get the so called "key", i can go watch RA and I can go club which i never do. Sure, Im legal now to fuck my life up. I shud be earning healthily and perhaps have a card by now...urgh Im sorry. Im really tired tonight.
That para above was nonse spewing out of my mouth, and of course i wudnt fuck my life up. But, I wana be happy my birthday is coming, but Im not. I dont want to hold tht expectation, and hope tht smth wonderful will happen, or tht i will be remembered and feel special..coz i'll only get hurt. And my birthday only reminds me more, tht we wud have been tog one yr 8 mths.. and tht at 530am 21 yrs ago, i was born...i dont want to.
I need to go now. Nite.
-12.30am on monday- (and already feeling the monday blues)
Just got back from church.
Ive been feeling quite blue since I left the house today. Very pre-occupied by thoughts and things abt the conversation i had before i left... i think i underestimated how much it wud affect me today. I eally wasnt concentrating on singing or mass or anything much at all during church.
Dinner was with my usual lovely gang whom i heart to bits... their quiet company was good enuff for me. I hope they didnt mind my silence as the night went on and i started to get weary from all tht thinking.
I wasnt just thinking abt the conversation, but i was also thinking abt him. different issue altogether. And for a while now, Ive resisted the urge to start a bk, or to write down my feelings when i cant say ceetain things to him or when I cant write it on this blog, coz its just meant to be kept between me and myself and him if i were ever to say it out. So I started writing tonight. At least I dont have to say it here, and once I feel it, I can pen it out and "throw" it out of my system.
Sometimes I forget tht I shudnt try or hope. Sometimes I forget tht I shud continue to try or hope.
After several occasions of falling out with friends; which started somehwre mid last yr I think, Ive grown very nonchalant and numb towards anything similar anymore. I also have understood the meaning of not trying to bother so much abt friends or rather not trying so hard, coz those who love u will stay.
Ive lost too many, gotten back a few, lost some again, and made new ones. Ive accepted tht at any time, anybody can just turn on you and walk away. And to me, thts fine already.
Nick told me tht day, tht it seems I always have probs with someone, at any one time. Maybe it is a problem I have. Maybe it;s just my luck. But whatever it is, I don't really care anymore.
Joyce-I still love you. But I dot understand u anymore and Im tired of not just whatever tht took place so much, but off these sort of things.
Nick godbro- Welcome back to choir. It's great to see you again with us. Maybe U just didnt love this godsister as much as she hoped, but I hope one day you'll learn forgiveness towards people u love, esp when its the hardest thing to do. But yet I understand tht sometimes even when u forgive, u dot wish to go back to it anymore. And i wud have to respect tht. But im sick and tired of it too, becoz ive tried to make it up to u already. Luf u bro.
But sometimes it's funny. Soemtimes it may appear we dont tok to people, when actually we're fighting within ourselves.
Tonight has been a bad night. Im not only troubled, I realised Im financially in the deepest red now. Im not smiling tonite. its bad.
Life is just like tht. One day u feel ure the happiest person; the most care free person ard, the next day U feel the lowest, and the most solemn.I was the first last night, after my gig, and the top of the world really feels good. The lowest is all too familiar a feeling. I have to just lift it up to God.
Tonight, da-jie asked me whether Im having a big celebration for my birthday. I looked at her, and tried to hide the sadness tht was coming thru my eyes. "No" i replied. Then she asked me tht inevitable question... which (pls dont worrie) i didnt take any offence to. Its perfectly olrite coming from her... but yea.. this yr, or rather in aug, i turn 21. and im a little confused. Ive always wanted to be 21. Ive waited yrs for this yr. But now, i dont really want to be 21. Its like YAY its finally here, but so what. Ive no one to celebrate with. Im not exactly in the mood to, and though a nice cosy affair with people who meant alot wud be nice, but whats thwe significance when im nothing. Im only smth in terms of music. Im getting somewhere... and Im looking forward to doing even better for the next two gigs. I can, and I will do well.
What does celebrating this birthday represent and signify and all? Ya, sure I get the so called "key", i can go watch RA and I can go club which i never do. Sure, Im legal now to fuck my life up. I shud be earning healthily and perhaps have a card by now...urgh Im sorry. Im really tired tonight.
That para above was nonse spewing out of my mouth, and of course i wudnt fuck my life up. But, I wana be happy my birthday is coming, but Im not. I dont want to hold tht expectation, and hope tht smth wonderful will happen, or tht i will be remembered and feel special..coz i'll only get hurt. And my birthday only reminds me more, tht we wud have been tog one yr 8 mths.. and tht at 530am 21 yrs ago, i was born...i dont want to.
I need to go now. Nite.
Sunday, July 30, 2006 her head again.......
All good things come to an end. Ahh. :)
Well, it may be so, but not my pursuit of more gigs!
*Tonight's gig* was incredible. So much preparation, so so much, and it came to this toight. I was hoping I'd do pretty well, but tonight I felt I actually did well. It was a cosy affair with mostly my friends. It's heartening to have such support. My Choir friends came, the "gang" being two da-jies, two xiao-di's haha, one korkor, and grace and tammy wammy. Then I had the most impt friend there, Charles and well, I can't categorise JW under friend no matter how I try, so my someone special still. Then I had the other da-jie and da-ge Gerry, Eld, Andrea, and Aaron OH MAN!. Then I had my best friend Harri dear, with Simon, Aaron and she brought a long a little surprise, LAWRENCE!!!! Ahh sopoo nice to see Law again! She had another friend with her. Harri had been telling everyone about it. Thank you dear. She even asked Daniel and little cousin came with her friends! Ana, my old time poly friend, was there with her BF, and Lerping's friend Fiona (whom I met there) decided to stay on for my set! Linus and Eggie came too... OH MAN OH MAN! Keeneth and Fadly came as well :P I hope I haven't left out anyone. This was more than what I cud ask for. Of coz I wish my bro and my god siblings went but wth la..
!Ok, so to continue where I left originals were so-so... but the rest of the set, I gave my all, and I didnt forget lyrics! :D This was definitely an experience. I enjoyed every bit of it, and it meant alot alot alot to me. But I cudnt have dine it without the hard work and gracious help of Patrick (thank you so much) and Mervin (xie le!)
Amanda Tee played after me and she was really good too! She's sooo young, it's brilliant!
Claire was not feeling so well, but gosh, WTHECK! SHE WAS AWESOME! I reallllly love her originals. They are fantastic. I enjoyed even more her collab songs with debra, pat and jon. Man, interesting stuff! I also liked her original called Ill. It's been one of my favs out of all her stuff. My da-jie Gerry, knew that she was a tori amos fan! One fanatic always knows the other!!!!
And.....the night came.... to a close. I wish I cud have gone out with so many of them, spilt myself into many different parts, but no one forced me.. my decision still fell with going with the person who meant the most to me there. it was without a blink of an eyelid tht i decided. I know he didnt care too much where or who i went with, or at least shrugged at the sugguestion off it, as if to act like it didnt really matter to him, but I know what I wanted. I didnt force myself, it weas just smth I wanted to do. We walked ard city a bit and headed home shortly.
I felt drained after he got off the bus. Many times I was tempted to hold him, or do smth more than the barriers of a friend, but the very reason we're not tog anymore kept me back. I wud have given him a kiss, or laid on his shoulder..and it was so easy to do that. But I can't.
The highs of a great good gig, are swell, and it sends you straight to the after-lows just as quickly. I feel so alone suddenly. But after tonight, I know I'm not and it can't be.
God, thank you for this wonderful experience and whoeevr helped it to be possible.
All good things come to an end. Ahh. :)
Well, it may be so, but not my pursuit of more gigs!
*Tonight's gig* was incredible. So much preparation, so so much, and it came to this toight. I was hoping I'd do pretty well, but tonight I felt I actually did well. It was a cosy affair with mostly my friends. It's heartening to have such support. My Choir friends came, the "gang" being two da-jies, two xiao-di's haha, one korkor, and grace and tammy wammy. Then I had the most impt friend there, Charles and well, I can't categorise JW under friend no matter how I try, so my someone special still. Then I had the other da-jie and da-ge Gerry, Eld, Andrea, and Aaron OH MAN!. Then I had my best friend Harri dear, with Simon, Aaron and she brought a long a little surprise, LAWRENCE!!!! Ahh sopoo nice to see Law again! She had another friend with her. Harri had been telling everyone about it. Thank you dear. She even asked Daniel and little cousin came with her friends! Ana, my old time poly friend, was there with her BF, and Lerping's friend Fiona (whom I met there) decided to stay on for my set! Linus and Eggie came too... OH MAN OH MAN! Keeneth and Fadly came as well :P I hope I haven't left out anyone. This was more than what I cud ask for. Of coz I wish my bro and my god siblings went but wth la..
!Ok, so to continue where I left originals were so-so... but the rest of the set, I gave my all, and I didnt forget lyrics! :D This was definitely an experience. I enjoyed every bit of it, and it meant alot alot alot to me. But I cudnt have dine it without the hard work and gracious help of Patrick (thank you so much) and Mervin (xie le!)
Amanda Tee played after me and she was really good too! She's sooo young, it's brilliant!
Claire was not feeling so well, but gosh, WTHECK! SHE WAS AWESOME! I reallllly love her originals. They are fantastic. I enjoyed even more her collab songs with debra, pat and jon. Man, interesting stuff! I also liked her original called Ill. It's been one of my favs out of all her stuff. My da-jie Gerry, knew that she was a tori amos fan! One fanatic always knows the other!!!!
And.....the night came.... to a close. I wish I cud have gone out with so many of them, spilt myself into many different parts, but no one forced me.. my decision still fell with going with the person who meant the most to me there. it was without a blink of an eyelid tht i decided. I know he didnt care too much where or who i went with, or at least shrugged at the sugguestion off it, as if to act like it didnt really matter to him, but I know what I wanted. I didnt force myself, it weas just smth I wanted to do. We walked ard city a bit and headed home shortly.
I felt drained after he got off the bus. Many times I was tempted to hold him, or do smth more than the barriers of a friend, but the very reason we're not tog anymore kept me back. I wud have given him a kiss, or laid on his shoulder..and it was so easy to do that. But I can't.
The highs of a great good gig, are swell, and it sends you straight to the after-lows just as quickly. I feel so alone suddenly. But after tonight, I know I'm not and it can't be.
God, thank you for this wonderful experience and whoeevr helped it to be possible.
Friday, July 28, 2006 her head again.......
After a few TRAUMATIC days, Ive recovered.
But really cudnt have recovered so fast, if not for everybody's prayers, lawr's immediate attention as a doctor, and my friends who took care of me. Thank you all.
Have been busy back at work and preparing for my gig TMR!!!!!!!!!!
Wow one month ago, it was far away. Now! :)
Ive informed all of you heh, and I know alot of people are coming down, so THANK YOU!! I am working very hard, and I hope to pull off a great show!
Lotsa Love:
(Mel) Lissa
After a few TRAUMATIC days, Ive recovered.
But really cudnt have recovered so fast, if not for everybody's prayers, lawr's immediate attention as a doctor, and my friends who took care of me. Thank you all.
Have been busy back at work and preparing for my gig TMR!!!!!!!!!!
Wow one month ago, it was far away. Now! :)
Ive informed all of you heh, and I know alot of people are coming down, so THANK YOU!! I am working very hard, and I hope to pull off a great show!
Lotsa Love:
(Mel) Lissa
Tuesday, July 25, 2006 her head again.......
Hey all!
Gonna make this a quick one.
Was cantoring in church yesterday, and trying to control my diarrhoea. NExt thing I knew I had to vomit. Since then I have been gg thru both motions, and been under medication for Stomach flu and food poisoning. It was pretty bad last night but im better now, except tht theres still alot of discomfort in the tummy area. After the diarrhoea stops, which i hope soon, it shud be ok. Currently on the plain-est diet u can imagine! EWW.
Herading back to work tmr.
More excited abt my gig this sat!!! :)
8pm, Earshot Cafe, The Arts House--SEE YA ALL THERE!!!!
Two photos from Sat:
HArri and Moi!

Borders...the lights are veer gorgeous...

Also, I wana thanks Steff laopo here. She came by today, with glucose for me. Deeply deeply touched. Thank you so much dear...Who wud have tot of tht??? Ive never had friends visit when Im ill, and I greatly appreciated the company. *muaks*. Thanks gurl.
Hey all!
Gonna make this a quick one.
Was cantoring in church yesterday, and trying to control my diarrhoea. NExt thing I knew I had to vomit. Since then I have been gg thru both motions, and been under medication for Stomach flu and food poisoning. It was pretty bad last night but im better now, except tht theres still alot of discomfort in the tummy area. After the diarrhoea stops, which i hope soon, it shud be ok. Currently on the plain-est diet u can imagine! EWW.
Herading back to work tmr.
More excited abt my gig this sat!!! :)
8pm, Earshot Cafe, The Arts House--SEE YA ALL THERE!!!!
Two photos from Sat:
HArri and Moi!

Borders...the lights are veer gorgeous...

Also, I wana thanks Steff laopo here. She came by today, with glucose for me. Deeply deeply touched. Thank you so much dear...Who wud have tot of tht??? Ive never had friends visit when Im ill, and I greatly appreciated the company. *muaks*. Thanks gurl.
Sunday, July 23, 2006 her head again.......
-Another good day!-
Wow!, Woke up in time to rush down to church for the wedding! I sang a solo HEHEEEE :) We only had some sops and aome altos and two basses, but I think we were tight and we blended with each other very well!
I stayed on in church for youth min's session for the confirmation kids and i really enjoyed the time spent with soo many of my youth min friends. They are lovely peopele and i treasure each and every one of them. Really, i'd not mind just hanging ard in church with them...
After tht i headed to town to meet Harri fro Tapestry gigs, but we hated it and left soon after reaching. She and I went on a mad search for food and found ourselves in tiong bahru which was really quite hilarious actually! heheheheh =0) We met Jw and Edwin after tht, and after some chatting and goofing ard, we headed back home together.
While i was in church today, I kept saying to God; Thank you God..thank you thank you thank you.. for everything. I am really so blessed.
Then while I was out tonite, and having fun with Harri and Jw, the two of the handful of people who mean the world to me.. I kept saying somemore thank you Lord...
I was telling Edo tht Im really happy now, and I truly truly am.
The only regret i have is tht now I have to hold back tht love for him, and im sure he noes it...and its sad when u cant extend yr hand and reach out to love the person u want to love..and show it to him...and he in turn, knwoing tht he's called it quits has reserved all tht as well.. and well, i guess thts just the way it has to be then... but I was very happy to see him tonite.. hearin him sing into my ears... was the nicvest thing tonite. I love you.
During the wedding today, Father Vass highlighted tht love is the ultimate when ure willing to die for another person, and not blink an eye when asked if u'd do tht for someone else. It was only today tht i realised we are all given the privellege of being like Jesus, who died on the cross for us, becoz he loved us and gave up his life for us to atone for our sins. He was willing, becoz he loved us.
So, then have u ever felt like u love someone till ure willing to die for them? I feel honoured now, tht ive felt tht way three times in my life so far. And till today, if anything were to happen to these three parties, i will still be willing to die for them, without a blink of my eye. Thts how much I love them, whatever the circumstances have become. And becoz of being able to feel tht way, I feel privelledged tht we're given the ability to feel the way god did.
I live my life, differently now. And Im happy.
I can only try my best to live life to the fullest.
Will blog more tmr. Am very very tired. Ive been reading Unbearable Lightness of Being, and I picked our a few paragraphs tht surprisingly linked to Jw. Will type them out tmr with more photos too... GD NITE WORLD.
-Another good day!-
Wow!, Woke up in time to rush down to church for the wedding! I sang a solo HEHEEEE :) We only had some sops and aome altos and two basses, but I think we were tight and we blended with each other very well!
I stayed on in church for youth min's session for the confirmation kids and i really enjoyed the time spent with soo many of my youth min friends. They are lovely peopele and i treasure each and every one of them. Really, i'd not mind just hanging ard in church with them...
After tht i headed to town to meet Harri fro Tapestry gigs, but we hated it and left soon after reaching. She and I went on a mad search for food and found ourselves in tiong bahru which was really quite hilarious actually! heheheheh =0) We met Jw and Edwin after tht, and after some chatting and goofing ard, we headed back home together.
While i was in church today, I kept saying to God; Thank you God..thank you thank you thank you.. for everything. I am really so blessed.
Then while I was out tonite, and having fun with Harri and Jw, the two of the handful of people who mean the world to me.. I kept saying somemore thank you Lord...
I was telling Edo tht Im really happy now, and I truly truly am.
The only regret i have is tht now I have to hold back tht love for him, and im sure he noes it...and its sad when u cant extend yr hand and reach out to love the person u want to love..and show it to him...and he in turn, knwoing tht he's called it quits has reserved all tht as well.. and well, i guess thts just the way it has to be then... but I was very happy to see him tonite.. hearin him sing into my ears... was the nicvest thing tonite. I love you.
During the wedding today, Father Vass highlighted tht love is the ultimate when ure willing to die for another person, and not blink an eye when asked if u'd do tht for someone else. It was only today tht i realised we are all given the privellege of being like Jesus, who died on the cross for us, becoz he loved us and gave up his life for us to atone for our sins. He was willing, becoz he loved us.
So, then have u ever felt like u love someone till ure willing to die for them? I feel honoured now, tht ive felt tht way three times in my life so far. And till today, if anything were to happen to these three parties, i will still be willing to die for them, without a blink of my eye. Thts how much I love them, whatever the circumstances have become. And becoz of being able to feel tht way, I feel privelledged tht we're given the ability to feel the way god did.
I live my life, differently now. And Im happy.
I can only try my best to live life to the fullest.
Will blog more tmr. Am very very tired. Ive been reading Unbearable Lightness of Being, and I picked our a few paragraphs tht surprisingly linked to Jw. Will type them out tmr with more photos too... GD NITE WORLD.
Saturday, July 22, 2006
Some photos from the night out with gerri, ian , eld and gang from FSV!!!! : )

Today was good. Ymm prac was fun and i got to meet everyone again.
I feel blessed.
Very blessed to have these people who love ma all ard. Bao said luv ya lissa, before he went offline, and the new girl i just got to noe not long ago, msg and said she loved me to bits, when , i havent done anything for her?
Why does it always seem, tht some things come so easily when we dont deserve it, and people just care so much and then sometimes we work so hard to love others.. and nothing comes out of it...
i miss him... so much.
i cant keep saying it.
i cant keep hoping tht he'll realise ho much i really do love him.
all this crushing over whoever and having new targets and all, its all not real.

Today was good. Ymm prac was fun and i got to meet everyone again.
I feel blessed.
Very blessed to have these people who love ma all ard. Bao said luv ya lissa, before he went offline, and the new girl i just got to noe not long ago, msg and said she loved me to bits, when , i havent done anything for her?
Why does it always seem, tht some things come so easily when we dont deserve it, and people just care so much and then sometimes we work so hard to love others.. and nothing comes out of it...
i miss him... so much.
i cant keep saying it.
i cant keep hoping tht he'll realise ho much i really do love him.
all this crushing over whoever and having new targets and all, its all not real.
Friday, July 21, 2006 her head again.......
-WED & THURS!!!!-
-WED- was GOOD! I had a class of angels!!!! :) They were sho SHO CUTE!!!! OMGOMGOMG.. hahahaha...schl aka work was good.
After schl, i had abt three+ hrs to kill, so I headed to Parkway!!! Spent my time at Gramophone with my colleagues (who are now my friends) from there! Just chilled and even had dinner there with them! Plus Gerald managed to convince me to buy FOUR CDS!!! :) happy I bought 2 Kings of Convenience, Regina Spektor, and Cat power! And my CD list INCREASES! U noe why??? coz I bought those NOT in my current list LOL. Gerald-I fonds u la! :) Hehehe... thts baby lang btw in case u were wondering! hehe. I felt very good, spending time there with them, and Razi and I were just thrilled heh.
So! According to Merv! i helped the economy! HAHAHAHAHAH. :] I ended up at his place at like what 9pm instead of 8pm????! I was dead tired but we had to jam still! :s And his sis was home! His sis's name is Jeanette, and I havent seen tht girl since she was 12~! Now she's 16! WOW. My gosh. Shes pretty hehe. Merv and Jeanette are like kor and I --VERY VERY CLOSE. Can see sooo sweet u noe! And Jeanetter very very conveniently DEFLATED my MR SMILEY balloon tht I gave him la!!!! *WAILS* I cud STRRRRAAAANNNGLLLEEE HER!
By the time I left his place was like 10ish......zzzzz... i got home abt 12 and knocked out. ONLY TO GET SO PISSED OFF when the alarm rang at 6am and i tot i had JUST GONE TO BED.ARGHHHHHHHH hahahahah.... SOOOOOOO PEKKK CHHHHEEEK u nooooooee! hahahah
Soooo! I woke up and AHHHHHHHHHRRRRR....
BTW! I have been SOOOO HOOOKED onto Erykah Badhu and Electrico's new albums!! THEY ROCK ROCK ROCK ROCK ROCK. Erykah is SOUFUL TO THE MAX and Electrico's new album is good enuff for the US market. Check out track TWO!
Schl was good again today! Though tired, Im happy. I had the toughest p6 class today, but to me I PASSED! :) And I even did OT today. the teachers needed quite alot of laminating and materials like maths questions to be ready for their classes for tmr, so i stayed back to do :P Xiuting had tuition to go to, so she cudnt stay.
Xiuting is my fellow EAS colleague, so she and i share the load of work from start of the day till end. And as small as the world GETS! :) SHE IS WEIYI'S TKSS BAND FRIEND. OMGOMGOMG.A WHAT do u noe! hahahahaa. She seemed to blush a bit at his name, and I wonderedddddddd WHY =D LoL.
Day ins chl was smooooooth, and I headed to parkway again after work! Went to gramo and started listening to more cds again hahahahaha. I did some shopping (oh no) and went to church after for cantor meeting and also ended up helping YMM ;p
Spend some time catching up with FREDA MEI after church! It was a gd gd one hr at the bus stop, before we made our way home. :) '
Congrats Rachael and Emman!!!! FINALLy together!!!!! =>
So NOW, Im back home earlier tonight, and happy ah. thts what i can say. this week has been nothig but UP. Am grateful to God.
We're working out.. it can only be good. ^^
-WED & THURS!!!!-
-WED- was GOOD! I had a class of angels!!!! :) They were sho SHO CUTE!!!! OMGOMGOMG.. hahahaha...schl aka work was good.
After schl, i had abt three+ hrs to kill, so I headed to Parkway!!! Spent my time at Gramophone with my colleagues (who are now my friends) from there! Just chilled and even had dinner there with them! Plus Gerald managed to convince me to buy FOUR CDS!!! :) happy I bought 2 Kings of Convenience, Regina Spektor, and Cat power! And my CD list INCREASES! U noe why??? coz I bought those NOT in my current list LOL. Gerald-I fonds u la! :) Hehehe... thts baby lang btw in case u were wondering! hehe. I felt very good, spending time there with them, and Razi and I were just thrilled heh.
So! According to Merv! i helped the economy! HAHAHAHAHAH. :] I ended up at his place at like what 9pm instead of 8pm????! I was dead tired but we had to jam still! :s And his sis was home! His sis's name is Jeanette, and I havent seen tht girl since she was 12~! Now she's 16! WOW. My gosh. Shes pretty hehe. Merv and Jeanette are like kor and I --VERY VERY CLOSE. Can see sooo sweet u noe! And Jeanetter very very conveniently DEFLATED my MR SMILEY balloon tht I gave him la!!!! *WAILS* I cud STRRRRAAAANNNGLLLEEE HER!
By the time I left his place was like 10ish......zzzzz... i got home abt 12 and knocked out. ONLY TO GET SO PISSED OFF when the alarm rang at 6am and i tot i had JUST GONE TO BED.ARGHHHHHHHH hahahahah.... SOOOOOOO PEKKK CHHHHEEEK u nooooooee! hahahah
Soooo! I woke up and AHHHHHHHHHRRRRR....
BTW! I have been SOOOO HOOOKED onto Erykah Badhu and Electrico's new albums!! THEY ROCK ROCK ROCK ROCK ROCK. Erykah is SOUFUL TO THE MAX and Electrico's new album is good enuff for the US market. Check out track TWO!
Schl was good again today! Though tired, Im happy. I had the toughest p6 class today, but to me I PASSED! :) And I even did OT today. the teachers needed quite alot of laminating and materials like maths questions to be ready for their classes for tmr, so i stayed back to do :P Xiuting had tuition to go to, so she cudnt stay.
Xiuting is my fellow EAS colleague, so she and i share the load of work from start of the day till end. And as small as the world GETS! :) SHE IS WEIYI'S TKSS BAND FRIEND. OMGOMGOMG.A WHAT do u noe! hahahahaa. She seemed to blush a bit at his name, and I wonderedddddddd WHY =D LoL.
Day ins chl was smooooooth, and I headed to parkway again after work! Went to gramo and started listening to more cds again hahahahaha. I did some shopping (oh no) and went to church after for cantor meeting and also ended up helping YMM ;p
Spend some time catching up with FREDA MEI after church! It was a gd gd one hr at the bus stop, before we made our way home. :) '
Congrats Rachael and Emman!!!! FINALLy together!!!!! =>
So NOW, Im back home earlier tonight, and happy ah. thts what i can say. this week has been nothig but UP. Am grateful to God.
We're working out.. it can only be good. ^^
Wednesday, July 19, 2006 her head again.......
Im gonna make this sweet and short coz ive gotfour over hrs of sleep left to steal before i wake for work!
So, today was the first day at work, it was pretty good! :) Stressless teacher aid is wonderful hahahahaha. I shud be getting a daily rate of 65 coz im a dip holder, HOHOHOHOHO tht RAWKS SO BAD! :P
I was damn zonky by the time I left, but when next door to my dearest cloest to my heart sec schl! I had a drink and bought oen for "godma" and spent time in the chapel while i waited for time to pass coz HAHAH harri and i were suppose to go town!
But nvm anyway.. i ended up in bugis then found out we cudnt meet.. so i went to roam ard and bought juls a bday pressie! :) Cheap and good! Hope shes likes it!
I rang Andrea but she wasnt free, then i rang Eld and whatcha know! the man was in bugis! HAHAHAHA :) good choice mel! Heh, so i went over to meet him and WOW i didnt know tht what awaited me which took place earlier tonight, was a fantabulous FSV reunion night with my senior freidns! =D Gerri, Ian, Aaron, Ka Hwei, Charmmie were all there shortly after me. HEH, SHO HAPPY *heh*. We went to Miss Clarity Cafe after macs, and Gerri and I basically went crazy there!!! :P
I had a great great night and so the " not so lucky" evening turned out SUPERB!!!! I got home ard 12am la.. so now im gg to sleep.. HAHAH damn tired...
Things between us are gg good. Im happy.
So basically life is pretty okies for me now :)
I dont want anythihg much more. Contentment is the best.
NITE! Thanks Yin Ka for yr comment.. :P ure the first in five yrs to leave a comment here haahha
Oh YAH! One more thing! I noticed smth quite funny abt my recent jobs! They were all ard the marine parade area HAHAHAHA. JUST when Im not staying IN THE AREA ITSELF. I WONDER WHY these things happen hahahaha. Parkway gramophone- marine parade,TNS marine parade, TELOK KURAU, off marine parade, Ngee Ann Pri- MARINE PARADE. OMG hahaha... yes O M G
And also!!!! WANA SAY A BIGGGG THANK U to those who told me they will be comeing for my gig! Ive personally asked some of u coz u all mean alot to me, and it wud mean so much for u to be there.. then it's be a cosy affair with more friends than strangers..and it'd be lovelier singing to u all!. Ive got quite a number who are coming now...thanks u all...
Im gonna make this sweet and short coz ive gotfour over hrs of sleep left to steal before i wake for work!
So, today was the first day at work, it was pretty good! :) Stressless teacher aid is wonderful hahahahaha. I shud be getting a daily rate of 65 coz im a dip holder, HOHOHOHOHO tht RAWKS SO BAD! :P
I was damn zonky by the time I left, but when next door to my dearest cloest to my heart sec schl! I had a drink and bought oen for "godma" and spent time in the chapel while i waited for time to pass coz HAHAH harri and i were suppose to go town!
But nvm anyway.. i ended up in bugis then found out we cudnt meet.. so i went to roam ard and bought juls a bday pressie! :) Cheap and good! Hope shes likes it!
I rang Andrea but she wasnt free, then i rang Eld and whatcha know! the man was in bugis! HAHAHAHA :) good choice mel! Heh, so i went over to meet him and WOW i didnt know tht what awaited me which took place earlier tonight, was a fantabulous FSV reunion night with my senior freidns! =D Gerri, Ian, Aaron, Ka Hwei, Charmmie were all there shortly after me. HEH, SHO HAPPY *heh*. We went to Miss Clarity Cafe after macs, and Gerri and I basically went crazy there!!! :P
I had a great great night and so the " not so lucky" evening turned out SUPERB!!!! I got home ard 12am la.. so now im gg to sleep.. HAHAH damn tired...
Things between us are gg good. Im happy.
So basically life is pretty okies for me now :)
I dont want anythihg much more. Contentment is the best.
NITE! Thanks Yin Ka for yr comment.. :P ure the first in five yrs to leave a comment here haahha
Oh YAH! One more thing! I noticed smth quite funny abt my recent jobs! They were all ard the marine parade area HAHAHAHA. JUST when Im not staying IN THE AREA ITSELF. I WONDER WHY these things happen hahahaha. Parkway gramophone- marine parade,TNS marine parade, TELOK KURAU, off marine parade, Ngee Ann Pri- MARINE PARADE. OMG hahaha... yes O M G
And also!!!! WANA SAY A BIGGGG THANK U to those who told me they will be comeing for my gig! Ive personally asked some of u coz u all mean alot to me, and it wud mean so much for u to be there.. then it's be a cosy affair with more friends than strangers..and it'd be lovelier singing to u all!. Ive got quite a number who are coming now...thanks u all...
Monday, July 17, 2006 her head again.......
Hey hey...
well, this last weekend was quite smth. Started yesterday gg to his place for a bit to get back my files. Went to church and had two masses -__- and then went dinner with laopo and weiyi... and then went to esplanade and watched astreal, since i missed electrico and lunarin! HAHA. Thats the whole day cut very very short for u! GOOD RITE. hahahahaaa. I realised i took three short cab rides yesterday...totally unintentional... hahaa.. and thth i missed ALL the good acts for baybeats this yr. Guess i wasnt very into gg this yr perhaps.
Anyway... yea.. im quite busy preparing for gig.. alot of things still not done... gotta run....
I wish I was a better musician...
Hey hey...
well, this last weekend was quite smth. Started yesterday gg to his place for a bit to get back my files. Went to church and had two masses -__- and then went dinner with laopo and weiyi... and then went to esplanade and watched astreal, since i missed electrico and lunarin! HAHA. Thats the whole day cut very very short for u! GOOD RITE. hahahahaaa. I realised i took three short cab rides yesterday...totally unintentional... hahaa.. and thth i missed ALL the good acts for baybeats this yr. Guess i wasnt very into gg this yr perhaps.
Anyway... yea.. im quite busy preparing for gig.. alot of things still not done... gotta run....
I wish I was a better musician...
Sunday, July 16, 2006 her head again.......
-The Re-union Night-
Well, we can never have our cake and eat it.
And once u cut yr cake, u shud eat it..yes? Unless leaving it in the fridge, but eventually you'd still need to eat it.. so... yea.
Today, I was happy =)
Jam didnt go too well, but ive re-done a new set list, this is the first time i had to re-do a set list 3 times. But I hope it works out. It seems alot of people know abt my gig, thru the arts house leaflet. (Even my cousin does) WOW. Im quite pressed for time and sorta preasured by the publicity already. But God will help.
After jam today, I headed down to Earshot Cafe to meet Charles and Jw (Both I haven seen in darn long, save for last night). It was rather awkward at first, but later it was better. It will take a while before we completely ease up but it's getting there slowly. Jw bought us a pretty delicious pizza and we shared. Local barboy and Lilac scenes were playing tonight and they were both pretty damn good!
I met Pat's friends there. One being Weiwei and the other, i cant remember!!! But they said they were gonna turn up for my gig. WOW WOW WHEE.Thx gurls! And then!!! One of their friends, was my guides senior! OMG. I super cannooot recognise her, coz she used to be so heck care abt her appearance, and now she has long flowy hair, grown fleshier, and was wearing this classy blouse. my goodness.
We went to esplanade to meet Harri and Simon and Aaron and Law after tht. Tonight was a reunion of old friends. Ive not seen all of them for like months. Harri and Simon it's been a good three months. Aaron and Law, even much longer. Crazy. Jw and I bumped into Charles friend, Dimitra, and his girlfriend at Harry's bar. We popped in for a while, while waiting for Harri to arrrive.
We stayed till 11ish and made our way home.
This is the 2nd night I'm walking JW home. I don't know why but it happened again coz the bus we took didn't stop at my place. But I say the walk is really good. Funny. I always end up at a place tht has to drop later than him. And when I used to take mrt from tanah merah, he took from bedok. Now I take from bedok, he takes from tanah merah. wth man haha. We're so fucking near to each other now. But I find all this really interesting. Last yr, I had a good four months along the same rd as him, and as took advantage of tht definitely. This yr, or right now, we are no longer together, but the bus back home is the same bus. HAHAHA. Gow ironic. So we spend time talking while walking back home. I don't know, if U ask me, I think tonight ended off on a far better note than last night's. I think that's good. Friends gives me lesser headaches I suppose. When theres not much expectation u dont get so disappointed. U dont care so much and when U do get disappointed, U noe its none of your business anyway.
All in all, Im happy tonight. Im really happy. So many friends I met back tonite. Baybeats tmr HERE I COME!!!!
-The Re-union Night-
Well, we can never have our cake and eat it.
And once u cut yr cake, u shud eat it..yes? Unless leaving it in the fridge, but eventually you'd still need to eat it.. so... yea.
Today, I was happy =)
Jam didnt go too well, but ive re-done a new set list, this is the first time i had to re-do a set list 3 times. But I hope it works out. It seems alot of people know abt my gig, thru the arts house leaflet. (Even my cousin does) WOW. Im quite pressed for time and sorta preasured by the publicity already. But God will help.
After jam today, I headed down to Earshot Cafe to meet Charles and Jw (Both I haven seen in darn long, save for last night). It was rather awkward at first, but later it was better. It will take a while before we completely ease up but it's getting there slowly. Jw bought us a pretty delicious pizza and we shared. Local barboy and Lilac scenes were playing tonight and they were both pretty damn good!
I met Pat's friends there. One being Weiwei and the other, i cant remember!!! But they said they were gonna turn up for my gig. WOW WOW WHEE.Thx gurls! And then!!! One of their friends, was my guides senior! OMG. I super cannooot recognise her, coz she used to be so heck care abt her appearance, and now she has long flowy hair, grown fleshier, and was wearing this classy blouse. my goodness.
We went to esplanade to meet Harri and Simon and Aaron and Law after tht. Tonight was a reunion of old friends. Ive not seen all of them for like months. Harri and Simon it's been a good three months. Aaron and Law, even much longer. Crazy. Jw and I bumped into Charles friend, Dimitra, and his girlfriend at Harry's bar. We popped in for a while, while waiting for Harri to arrrive.
We stayed till 11ish and made our way home.
This is the 2nd night I'm walking JW home. I don't know why but it happened again coz the bus we took didn't stop at my place. But I say the walk is really good. Funny. I always end up at a place tht has to drop later than him. And when I used to take mrt from tanah merah, he took from bedok. Now I take from bedok, he takes from tanah merah. wth man haha. We're so fucking near to each other now. But I find all this really interesting. Last yr, I had a good four months along the same rd as him, and as took advantage of tht definitely. This yr, or right now, we are no longer together, but the bus back home is the same bus. HAHAHA. Gow ironic. So we spend time talking while walking back home. I don't know, if U ask me, I think tonight ended off on a far better note than last night's. I think that's good. Friends gives me lesser headaches I suppose. When theres not much expectation u dont get so disappointed. U dont care so much and when U do get disappointed, U noe its none of your business anyway.
All in all, Im happy tonight. Im really happy. So many friends I met back tonite. Baybeats tmr HERE I COME!!!!
Saturday, July 15, 2006 her head again.......
I met him yesterday.
I really have to be careful, to not further hurt my own heart.
Becoz I was very happy yesterday afternoon before i met him.
No, I was happy when I saw him, but the night didnt end off too well. But it was ok, cud have been worse. But I really gotta let go let go let go. If not, this surpressing pain will not be good. Coz right after tht drunk nite, I becae alot happier. And yesteday I realised tht my depression had gone. Most of it. Or I felt different. I felt yesterday, tht Iw as in control of myself again. I had gotten rid of tht job, and they gave me a cheque, and I got hired by ngee ann pri.!! : ) Then like the world cudnt get smaller, i bumped into jill and jean atamrine parade, and had a nice quick catch up session over dinner with them before I went to town to meet him.
I was really happy. Jill asked me how I was. I said " better, much better" : ) And I truly meant it. I was happy, monday im starting a new life. A new job, given by God, and Im back in teaching, in a different way. Im right next to KC, and I can visit schl as much as I want, and eat the food there and see mrs sng (godma no 2 to me). Harrr's mum being godma no 3 to me HAHAHA but of coz we never made tht proper la. its a feeling. And I digress.
Anyway, on teh bus 36 to douby, i wrote an sms to myself and saved it to my archives. This is what I wrote :
[Aim: 2 complete with Ngee Ann Pri successfully! I'm finally out of my depression! God, u have yr ways! : )w or w/o him, i'm gonna be olrite, im backn on track, (and at this point the bus passed marina sq so i wrote next,) wow, I haven been to music dreamer's in a while...]
I was anxious but happy tht i was gonna meet him again. smses have been pretty ok so far.. what was it gonna be like?
Ngee Ann Pri is hiring me as an assistant teacher. Till end of the yr.But if they dont have anything for me in Nov or Dec, I will work part time, at Kumon, or do tuition, or liquid kitchen, or blujaz, or GIG for cold hard cash :)
We'll see where god takes me next yea?
Anyway..i met him and we went for his jam session. His new band fucking grooves. His bass playing has improved a huge leap too. And Yue Peng was God sent to jw if he doesnt already realise. Yue Peng knew jw thru emails first, and came back to Singapore after studies. Yue Peng, best described, in terms of appearance, is very similar to Charles. Imagine the specs except thick rim, imagine charles older hairstyle, and t-shirt and three quarts. He has the same habit of wearing funny t-shirts like Charles. AHAHA. What cha know! two Charles in the same band! Character wise I wudnt know yet, since i hardly spoke to him. But he seems a nice guy to get to know, and his guitar wah lau kicks ass laaa. its one of the nicest guits ard can. Damn ex also. U noe those guits tht have a design on the body like a violin or double bass? YEAAA... nice nice nice!!!! and his playing ahhhhgoes with the beat man. They make a great team, coz Kalai, jw's drummer since the other band, is one of the most awesome drummers ive known! Gosh, he plays funk like nobody can. Simon is good, but definitely good in the punk area. Fendi, is pretty adaptable and a great drummer already. Byt this dude, MY GAWD, blows yr fucking mind away.
You shud have seen their jam. it wud make ANYONE go crazy and high. Jw is lucky and Im happy for him. Think hes happy too.
........but anyway, on the bus it wasnt too pretty. MM...when i got home, I wondered why I did walk him back and all, and I suddenly cudnt relate to the sms i had typed for myself. So tht worries me alot.ALOT. It was very hard to have tht care free light feeling. I must find it back. Only way is to take control of this, and make sure we're friends but i dont hurt myself. Its hard, when u still love. HAIZZZZZZZZZZZ. hehehehe
ANyways, got some load of photos to put up again! : )
[Man, I didnt go for YMM and I heard it was good yesterday!!! : ( And I heard baybeats was funnnnnnnn too! : (( ] HAHAHA NVM LA!, ymm can go enxt week, and baybeats can go on sun, and merv im meeting up later to jam! SO YEAP :D NO REGRETS MAN! NEVER REGRET! hahahahahaha...kk i gtg for jam now, and meet him and charles up later at earshot! SEE I TOLD U HE DIGGED NATALIE! im soo clever man! I knew this even before seeing his friendster.. i just noe? Cant help it when u noe poeple well HEHEH.
mel, SMILE mel... take it easy... u deserve to be happy, noe? : )
*hug u mel* HAHAHA oh man...
I met him yesterday.
I really have to be careful, to not further hurt my own heart.
Becoz I was very happy yesterday afternoon before i met him.
No, I was happy when I saw him, but the night didnt end off too well. But it was ok, cud have been worse. But I really gotta let go let go let go. If not, this surpressing pain will not be good. Coz right after tht drunk nite, I becae alot happier. And yesteday I realised tht my depression had gone. Most of it. Or I felt different. I felt yesterday, tht Iw as in control of myself again. I had gotten rid of tht job, and they gave me a cheque, and I got hired by ngee ann pri.!! : ) Then like the world cudnt get smaller, i bumped into jill and jean atamrine parade, and had a nice quick catch up session over dinner with them before I went to town to meet him.
I was really happy. Jill asked me how I was. I said " better, much better" : ) And I truly meant it. I was happy, monday im starting a new life. A new job, given by God, and Im back in teaching, in a different way. Im right next to KC, and I can visit schl as much as I want, and eat the food there and see mrs sng (godma no 2 to me). Harrr's mum being godma no 3 to me HAHAHA but of coz we never made tht proper la. its a feeling. And I digress.
Anyway, on teh bus 36 to douby, i wrote an sms to myself and saved it to my archives. This is what I wrote :
[Aim: 2 complete with Ngee Ann Pri successfully! I'm finally out of my depression! God, u have yr ways! : )w or w/o him, i'm gonna be olrite, im backn on track, (and at this point the bus passed marina sq so i wrote next,) wow, I haven been to music dreamer's in a while...]
I was anxious but happy tht i was gonna meet him again. smses have been pretty ok so far.. what was it gonna be like?
Ngee Ann Pri is hiring me as an assistant teacher. Till end of the yr.But if they dont have anything for me in Nov or Dec, I will work part time, at Kumon, or do tuition, or liquid kitchen, or blujaz, or GIG for cold hard cash :)
We'll see where god takes me next yea?
Anyway..i met him and we went for his jam session. His new band fucking grooves. His bass playing has improved a huge leap too. And Yue Peng was God sent to jw if he doesnt already realise. Yue Peng knew jw thru emails first, and came back to Singapore after studies. Yue Peng, best described, in terms of appearance, is very similar to Charles. Imagine the specs except thick rim, imagine charles older hairstyle, and t-shirt and three quarts. He has the same habit of wearing funny t-shirts like Charles. AHAHA. What cha know! two Charles in the same band! Character wise I wudnt know yet, since i hardly spoke to him. But he seems a nice guy to get to know, and his guitar wah lau kicks ass laaa. its one of the nicest guits ard can. Damn ex also. U noe those guits tht have a design on the body like a violin or double bass? YEAAA... nice nice nice!!!! and his playing ahhhhgoes with the beat man. They make a great team, coz Kalai, jw's drummer since the other band, is one of the most awesome drummers ive known! Gosh, he plays funk like nobody can. Simon is good, but definitely good in the punk area. Fendi, is pretty adaptable and a great drummer already. Byt this dude, MY GAWD, blows yr fucking mind away.
You shud have seen their jam. it wud make ANYONE go crazy and high. Jw is lucky and Im happy for him. Think hes happy too.
........but anyway, on the bus it wasnt too pretty. MM...when i got home, I wondered why I did walk him back and all, and I suddenly cudnt relate to the sms i had typed for myself. So tht worries me alot.ALOT. It was very hard to have tht care free light feeling. I must find it back. Only way is to take control of this, and make sure we're friends but i dont hurt myself. Its hard, when u still love. HAIZZZZZZZZZZZ. hehehehe
ANyways, got some load of photos to put up again! : )
[Man, I didnt go for YMM and I heard it was good yesterday!!! : ( And I heard baybeats was funnnnnnnn too! : (( ] HAHAHA NVM LA!, ymm can go enxt week, and baybeats can go on sun, and merv im meeting up later to jam! SO YEAP :D NO REGRETS MAN! NEVER REGRET! hahahahahaha...kk i gtg for jam now, and meet him and charles up later at earshot! SEE I TOLD U HE DIGGED NATALIE! im soo clever man! I knew this even before seeing his friendster.. i just noe? Cant help it when u noe poeple well HEHEH.
mel, SMILE mel... take it easy... u deserve to be happy, noe? : )
*hug u mel* HAHAHA oh man...
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Just read Just's blog a min ago. Just, thanks for that. I think I know u well enuff because I read thru my previous entry and gueesed which part inspired u, HAha, and I was correct! :)
Just herself, wrote some stuff recently that inspired me.
This was part of an entry she wrote recently:
We Never Really Change
When you're feeling burnt out, don't fret. It will eventually pass.
With the right amount of luck, you meet just the right people to make you feel rejuvenated to start your engine going again .
--> How true it is, isn't it? If not for JinSheng, I wudnt have staretd thinking again. If not for Pat, i wud be on the streets today perhaps. If not for Kenneth & fad and Fendi, my last gig would not have been possible. if not for Claire, i wud have never started to song write. If not for Charles, I might have found some way to heaven long ago. Things like that.
She also said:
Currently, romantic relationships are at the bottom of my list. If it comes, it comes. I'll go with the flow and take it easy. I have too many things to think about, too many things to plan. I guess the old Justicia is back with a vengeance. Haha. No more moping. There is more to life than a lost love. You don't find Love; Love finds you.
For me, I wud say if my love comes, it'd be sweet, but right now, I take a backseat and am terribly weary off who comes around and how it may unnoticeably disrupt my life. I was just telling a friend who is in love now, how hed oesnt realise everything is slowly messing up because he is spending so mucht ime out, going home late that he is very sleepy at work and his boss might notice. He doesnt realise how hes been so obsessed with her. it scares me, that I was once like this as well.
And Just also said:
I told a girl friend (I honestly forgot who :X) this some weeks ago, "You know I don't have to be really rich, but I need to live comfortably. I want to be able to walk into Paragon, see something I like, take it off the shelf and pay for it, just like that."
We both have the same sort of vision towards these things. I too, want to have tht sort of comfort, Not too much, but not worried abt these things.
Slowly, slowly I will get there.
Just--thanks. I thought we were through.
Very few, VERY few people read my space, esp because I write such long entries.
Just herself, wrote some stuff recently that inspired me.
This was part of an entry she wrote recently:
We Never Really Change
When you're feeling burnt out, don't fret. It will eventually pass.
With the right amount of luck, you meet just the right people to make you feel rejuvenated to start your engine going again .
--> How true it is, isn't it? If not for JinSheng, I wudnt have staretd thinking again. If not for Pat, i wud be on the streets today perhaps. If not for Kenneth & fad and Fendi, my last gig would not have been possible. if not for Claire, i wud have never started to song write. If not for Charles, I might have found some way to heaven long ago. Things like that.
She also said:
Currently, romantic relationships are at the bottom of my list. If it comes, it comes. I'll go with the flow and take it easy. I have too many things to think about, too many things to plan. I guess the old Justicia is back with a vengeance. Haha. No more moping. There is more to life than a lost love. You don't find Love; Love finds you.
For me, I wud say if my love comes, it'd be sweet, but right now, I take a backseat and am terribly weary off who comes around and how it may unnoticeably disrupt my life. I was just telling a friend who is in love now, how hed oesnt realise everything is slowly messing up because he is spending so mucht ime out, going home late that he is very sleepy at work and his boss might notice. He doesnt realise how hes been so obsessed with her. it scares me, that I was once like this as well.
And Just also said:
I told a girl friend (I honestly forgot who :X) this some weeks ago, "You know I don't have to be really rich, but I need to live comfortably. I want to be able to walk into Paragon, see something I like, take it off the shelf and pay for it, just like that."
We both have the same sort of vision towards these things. I too, want to have tht sort of comfort, Not too much, but not worried abt these things.
Slowly, slowly I will get there.
Just--thanks. I thought we were through.
Very few, VERY few people read my space, esp because I write such long entries.
-God works in amazing ways-
Isn't it strange, how God works.
Last night, I felt very unwell and turned in at 8pm. I kno cked out till 11ish and woke up because I needed to use the toilet. Then as I laid back down, I cudnt sleep at all. Tossed for three hours, till I heard Patrick come home at 2odd am. But in tht three hours, I did thorough thinking.
I remembered that recently, JinSheng asked me to really sit down and think what i wana do in life in terms of work. I'm already clear on my musical vision and my choir vision. But getting a job that suited that commitment has always been a problem. Though Ive been doing this admin job, i have felt most uncomfortable. I dont know why, and I can't really put a finger to it. But I dont feel right in the environment and with the work. I feel awkward if not anything else.I havent even signed the contract and alot of things are really weird. But many said it pays well and so I should stick to it plus it's five days. I'm tired of job hopping as much as friends are sick of hearing me job hop.
So, as I laid there quietly last night, I "went back" to a yr ago, after graduation and started analysing all the different jobs I've been doing. I analysed the reasons I liked it, and the reasons I didn't. The reasons why I cudnt stay on full time, and there were indeed many factors. Many things clouded my mind as well, and all this while, being in the difficult position of trying to get smth I liked. Coz in this last two weeks, I realised u really need to do work u love, if not waiting for the time to pass will kill you, just so tht I can wait for the evening to go jam or meet friends or go for church.
So, in my mind,I zipped pass the memories of cafe cartel being part time and being too irregular, and i loved it, but full time wasnt an option being I was weak. I missed it coz I enjoyed serving. I zipped pass tuition centre because there was crazy ms ye and the weekend, and i was paid internship pay. I zipped pass the horrigible sales job at the arts shop last yr, and then cartel again and came to this yr's memories.
Suddenly the memories of january-march were as fresh as yesterday's memories. I remembered ths kids, the work load, the teachers, the marking, and my time with JW, Charles Ivan and our band things. I started to realise how disorgniased I was. How I cudnt cope with work, simply coz I didnt know when to do what and to prioritise. I cudnt take the full load and much less juggle it. But it was weird, as i laid there thinking last night, my mind started to organise how I would go about it if I had another chance at teaching. Somehow it all seemed to work out. I realised then tht I didnt priortise and I wanted to spend more time with JW than anything else; something I dont have now. And now I started feeling this urge to want to go back to teaching, despite how much I had complained to the world tht i didnt want it anymore and wouldnt blink my eye at it again. No one cud convince me. Even recently, I was still afraid to take up tuition coz I didnt know how to go about doing lesson plans etc.
As ure reading this, are u starting to freak out? Is Mel gonna make yet another rash decision??? Then my mind floated on those memories for a long time, and I recalled that, that fateful night I told JW he never tried hard enuff. In those thre months, he actually did try. I must admit. But I guess I meant he always gives up too easily. I say this because as I sat on my bed eventually (as it got too hot) and thought about that three months, the me and him THEN and the me, him NOW, is really different. We have grown so much in the last few months that we don't even realise it. What I wasn't able to deal with back then,I figure, wudnt be a problem now. I wonder why I wasnt serious abt my work then.
So I let tht rest for a bit. I zipped past Gramophone job from apr-june..and how only a few days ago till yesterday, I was still considering of re-joining them. But I finally decided not to after Wayne told me that I MUST start with other branches first as OUB and IP are the more elite branches. That means it's bosses have much higher standard than the rest as they are in the office area and work different days and horus compared to the other branches. I have been having gramophone withdrawal symptoms as I mentioned in my earlier entry. But that would take away my time for my greater loves in life asgainw udnt it. I miss being the first at hand to receive new music.
Then my mind came to now, after havig spoken to JW again, after having had a three odd weeks break, gigged twice, and currently busy getting another ready; and zipped pass the recent really enjoyable choir retreat till this job the last two weeks. Im ill again. Not enuff vitamins and got myself pretty drunk the previous night. What am I? What have I become? Where do i wana head to?????---Then the thought came to mind: Poeple asking me to consider teaching again, amd most recently Charm tay msg me on friendster and she thought I was doing kindergarden teaching. THAT'S IT! That's what i really want to do. I want to work with kids. I want to teach without having to bring home books to mark, lessons to plan and having to worrrrrrrriiiiieee abt the work on the weekend. I want smth tht I can leave work there and thts it, and my time aftre tht is for whatever else. i can't join some recording studio? Im not some trained engineer. If I do, i wana join as a recording artist.
Oh gosh. The thought was enlightening. I woke up today at 1pm, still groggy and continued pondering over it. Maybe I should ring up Good Shepard kindergarden again. Maybe she has a space for me? Maybe I will get bonded and then take classes in the evening. DO i REALLY WANT TO? the pay isnt very good. MEL MEL, wud u have gotten another full time job if u were back home??? Eventually, was my answer to myself.
Then GOD WAS AMAZING. My phone rang at 3:59pm. Who could it be I thought? The vice principal of a school called. I dont wana mention names yet. They are looking for as assistant teacher. The daily rate is as good as my full time rate u noe. Starting monday, AND till end of this yr. I cud extent even maybe.
Two Words. WOW. WOW. wait a third. WOW.
I dont take on the full load. aka I am their full time relief teacher. how nice is tht huh. :) Im familiar with everything in a school. Whats there to worry abt. Working hours are 5 days, 8-4:30pm. I dont need to take home work. OO =D
Am I happy? I am SOO FUCKING HAPPY. I don't believe calls come RINGING on you all the time. How could it be tht I was seriously considering teaching without the full load and this call came in? Im gg down to see the VP on Friday morning. I am very very exicted.
Isn't it strange, how God works.
Last night, I felt very unwell and turned in at 8pm. I kno cked out till 11ish and woke up because I needed to use the toilet. Then as I laid back down, I cudnt sleep at all. Tossed for three hours, till I heard Patrick come home at 2odd am. But in tht three hours, I did thorough thinking.
I remembered that recently, JinSheng asked me to really sit down and think what i wana do in life in terms of work. I'm already clear on my musical vision and my choir vision. But getting a job that suited that commitment has always been a problem. Though Ive been doing this admin job, i have felt most uncomfortable. I dont know why, and I can't really put a finger to it. But I dont feel right in the environment and with the work. I feel awkward if not anything else.I havent even signed the contract and alot of things are really weird. But many said it pays well and so I should stick to it plus it's five days. I'm tired of job hopping as much as friends are sick of hearing me job hop.
So, as I laid there quietly last night, I "went back" to a yr ago, after graduation and started analysing all the different jobs I've been doing. I analysed the reasons I liked it, and the reasons I didn't. The reasons why I cudnt stay on full time, and there were indeed many factors. Many things clouded my mind as well, and all this while, being in the difficult position of trying to get smth I liked. Coz in this last two weeks, I realised u really need to do work u love, if not waiting for the time to pass will kill you, just so tht I can wait for the evening to go jam or meet friends or go for church.
So, in my mind,I zipped pass the memories of cafe cartel being part time and being too irregular, and i loved it, but full time wasnt an option being I was weak. I missed it coz I enjoyed serving. I zipped pass tuition centre because there was crazy ms ye and the weekend, and i was paid internship pay. I zipped pass the horrigible sales job at the arts shop last yr, and then cartel again and came to this yr's memories.
Suddenly the memories of january-march were as fresh as yesterday's memories. I remembered ths kids, the work load, the teachers, the marking, and my time with JW, Charles Ivan and our band things. I started to realise how disorgniased I was. How I cudnt cope with work, simply coz I didnt know when to do what and to prioritise. I cudnt take the full load and much less juggle it. But it was weird, as i laid there thinking last night, my mind started to organise how I would go about it if I had another chance at teaching. Somehow it all seemed to work out. I realised then tht I didnt priortise and I wanted to spend more time with JW than anything else; something I dont have now. And now I started feeling this urge to want to go back to teaching, despite how much I had complained to the world tht i didnt want it anymore and wouldnt blink my eye at it again. No one cud convince me. Even recently, I was still afraid to take up tuition coz I didnt know how to go about doing lesson plans etc.
As ure reading this, are u starting to freak out? Is Mel gonna make yet another rash decision??? Then my mind floated on those memories for a long time, and I recalled that, that fateful night I told JW he never tried hard enuff. In those thre months, he actually did try. I must admit. But I guess I meant he always gives up too easily. I say this because as I sat on my bed eventually (as it got too hot) and thought about that three months, the me and him THEN and the me, him NOW, is really different. We have grown so much in the last few months that we don't even realise it. What I wasn't able to deal with back then,I figure, wudnt be a problem now. I wonder why I wasnt serious abt my work then.
So I let tht rest for a bit. I zipped past Gramophone job from apr-june..and how only a few days ago till yesterday, I was still considering of re-joining them. But I finally decided not to after Wayne told me that I MUST start with other branches first as OUB and IP are the more elite branches. That means it's bosses have much higher standard than the rest as they are in the office area and work different days and horus compared to the other branches. I have been having gramophone withdrawal symptoms as I mentioned in my earlier entry. But that would take away my time for my greater loves in life asgainw udnt it. I miss being the first at hand to receive new music.
Then my mind came to now, after havig spoken to JW again, after having had a three odd weeks break, gigged twice, and currently busy getting another ready; and zipped pass the recent really enjoyable choir retreat till this job the last two weeks. Im ill again. Not enuff vitamins and got myself pretty drunk the previous night. What am I? What have I become? Where do i wana head to?????---Then the thought came to mind: Poeple asking me to consider teaching again, amd most recently Charm tay msg me on friendster and she thought I was doing kindergarden teaching. THAT'S IT! That's what i really want to do. I want to work with kids. I want to teach without having to bring home books to mark, lessons to plan and having to worrrrrrrriiiiieee abt the work on the weekend. I want smth tht I can leave work there and thts it, and my time aftre tht is for whatever else. i can't join some recording studio? Im not some trained engineer. If I do, i wana join as a recording artist.
Oh gosh. The thought was enlightening. I woke up today at 1pm, still groggy and continued pondering over it. Maybe I should ring up Good Shepard kindergarden again. Maybe she has a space for me? Maybe I will get bonded and then take classes in the evening. DO i REALLY WANT TO? the pay isnt very good. MEL MEL, wud u have gotten another full time job if u were back home??? Eventually, was my answer to myself.
Then GOD WAS AMAZING. My phone rang at 3:59pm. Who could it be I thought? The vice principal of a school called. I dont wana mention names yet. They are looking for as assistant teacher. The daily rate is as good as my full time rate u noe. Starting monday, AND till end of this yr. I cud extent even maybe.
Two Words. WOW. WOW. wait a third. WOW.
I dont take on the full load. aka I am their full time relief teacher. how nice is tht huh. :) Im familiar with everything in a school. Whats there to worry abt. Working hours are 5 days, 8-4:30pm. I dont need to take home work. OO =D
Am I happy? I am SOO FUCKING HAPPY. I don't believe calls come RINGING on you all the time. How could it be tht I was seriously considering teaching without the full load and this call came in? Im gg down to see the VP on Friday morning. I am very very exicted.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
CD/DVD/VCD list updated! WOHOO!
Olrite, It's 321am, but I've finally got my set list out for ear shot! It's gonna be good I Promise!!!! Working hard at it. 45 Min set, a few originals, and ten songs in total. Im squeezing in all my favss!!
BRB hahaa
Olrite, It's 321am, but I've finally got my set list out for ear shot! It's gonna be good I Promise!!!! Working hard at it. 45 Min set, a few originals, and ten songs in total. Im squeezing in all my favss!!
BRB hahaa
Monday, July 10, 2006 her head again.......
You know how they say Monday blues are the worst..? My Monday, was odd. I'm not entirely unhappy about it, neither am I entirely happy about it either. But Of course, since I find myself caught in limbo ever so often, about many things varying from jobs to places to friends to love. I still am grateful for another day coz God gave me another day to live and experience and learn.
But today, I felt a range of emotions. Oddly mixed up. I was initially bored and sleepy, and tht is normal, and then I felt rather upset and disappointed, but tht slowly changed to a lighter, happier feeling, though a bit confused with myself. Then I felt the kinda " what a waste " feeling, which changed to " ok so be it " feeling. MMm...Later it was alot of deep thoughts and confusion on an entirely different topic.
Had something else to attend to before heading back, and got back ard 9ish.. quite tired. But also busy mind bloggling over my gig songs.. still not gotten down to confirming my set list YET *agh*.. Don't u just hate trying to squeeze everything into one set????
U're prob really perplexed about what my whole second paragraph was about,so to cut the chase; Jw and I spoke again and finally talked about things.( Though yet again I had to initiate..just wished he cud have been the one like ive wished since long ago ). My anger "evergy" turned into nothing but positive and what i've felt for him all along. And I'm glad to know as much that hopefully to his extent, he felt the same, but he ..well, it or not, I have to accept that he had his reasons and still does. But after three months of silence, he's matured and we've both coincidentally learnt the same lesson about not plunging head on into these things or anything in life for tht matter.( smth nick has always talked to me about but Ive only understood it not long ago). I ought to say too, that smth he admitted to me, I believe, that I too, have the same flaw, and tht makes us amazingly similar. Or maybe it is a flaw of people our age. But whatever it is, though upset, Im happy with the way he said things this time round, and that I am now finally able to have a better conclusion, though not perfect, but nothing is; so now I can move on with my life, and with us being friends. I started the day being unable to call his name, and tht was a difficult barrier to break, but I managed to by the time I left work. That feeling lifted me, and I walked from Eunos bus stop to Eunos mrt, embracing the wind, smiling at God's beauty around me, and honestly, feeling happy. I treasure such moments, when my emotions don't stirr me into the darker side of things.
Don't ask me how it happened, but overnight, I just decided to throw all tht ill and hurtful feelings away and come face to face with what I felt deep inside. And I think for him, he's probably happy that we had this conversation as well. Of coz, I'm the not-so-fortunate party, but well, it's always been this way. The guys Ive loved before have either been taken, and/or rejected me nicely, left me "the next day literally" , or thrown me away time and time again after i tried to go back. But I knew I had to do this...and it felt right.
I always give myself and the other party two chances, and after tht I promise myself that i don't try again, co I've done and expressed myswelf clearlya and the best I could. So I walk away after tht, and be around in a wholly different manner, and see where the wind blows. : )
Ahh, never thought I'd say tht sentence again. Well, for this I'm back on track. I guess sort of, this can only be good. It has to be , isnt it? Actually Jw expressed smth tht Nick talked to me about before, but I just simply refused to look at. And that is, (and deep down i have somewhat always known) that we're young. HAHA. Nick is prob laughing. Jw did mention this before in the heat of our break up, but it was alot harder to take then, esp when he said it so insensitively. He is mature I guess, in this aspect. He has always been right, about how we are both simply too unstable, emotionally, or financially, or even educationally,ourselves, to take care of each other properly. it's not that he can't or I can't but, he just can't, fully. He has his things to do, and so do I, and that IS TRUE. But... I loved him too much to let go at tht time, and so I cudnt say the two big words, and he ended up doing so. Or I guess I refused to accept tht before,because I wanted to believe in him and us that we were strong enugg, or mature enuff to work thru all the storms. because THAT WAS what we promised each other. Perhaps all talk and no brain? But who were we to be hero? Although I still very much want to journey with him, I guess it will have to wait, and becoz I finally understand the meaning of loving means letting go, with him tht is, Im finally gonna do it. You see, with every love, until a proper conclusion is made, and both parties understand, there's no way this phrase can be literally embraced and done.
But besides, we're both terribly immature, with regards to the matters of the heart, and so till he has worked tht out. I guess this is it for now. I have no intention anymore of trying to distract myself. There's no need to. Not even for the fun of having something interesting to write. Coz in all honesty, all the distractions, were, simply nonsense.
Work wise, I'm mind boggling over it. Im just staying, for the preddi cheque on the 28th, but it's becoming more evident to me, that I truly do not know how to appreciate or feel like contributing to the visual arts community. Also, the lot of accounting work that needs to be done on excel sheets ain't pleasing me too much, don't mention how I'm terribly confused about all the different accounts and what should go where, and the terms such as income and expentiture statements. The company has BIG PLANS, BIG DREAMS, but the account has not so big amounts, and the place will prob only be able to fulfil this in ten yra time, looking at the anqitue bosses and mentality here. *90% cheena-fied, 10% westernised*. How interesting, for ARTS people?!?!
I went to meet Wayne, my previous HR manager for Gramophone and also my friend now... ( who btw is like one of the rarest, nicest husbands and daddy's around today ) and discussed with him off the possibility to become a gramophone office staff. But as we talked, he still preferred me on the floor. Seems to be my forte I figure?? * i wonder, if tht is good or bad news* But I told him if I were to re-join and he is actually willing to take me back again ( provided I really prove my credibility,), that i wud need one of the office area outlets.
I know many have said to me that I really gotta weigh and know my priorities. It's really one in a million to get a job u'd be happy with, and earn well, and be able to fulfil your outside commitments. How true.. and so I'm so fixated with needing 5 day work weeks, so tht I can go for church meetings, sing for weekend mweddings and masses, and work on gigs, and at the same time earn enuff to be comfortable and happy. TOUGH LUCK EH. And Wayne brought this up to me earlier, like many other good willed friends around me have. And I know it. But i went to him, for the reason off how ive been feeling this two weeks,about " if u stay in a job just for the money, and ure not happy, it will show and u will start to suck at what u do coz u dont want to perform. Where as when u do smth u like, no doubt lesser pay, u will naturally be gd at it, and everything else will fall in place. ie. the money)
I went to talk with Wayne, because I love gramophone alot. And I honestly miss my days there. Just disliked the working days and the fact tht I had no time for anything else. Working in my current place has been amking me think and miss tht enviornment alot. ( but i definitely do nto muiss the boredeom tht brooded upon us at times ). I don't know. I'm sure you can tell that I'm awfully confused. I know it's very simple actually, and a matter of deciding which I wana choose.. but YEA.
i remember too, that as much as I loved the music there, I had to leavt becoz it reminded me off him too much.
I'm gonna pray about ALL THIS I wrote tonight. I have actually bothered to proof read tonight, so *WHOA*.
All in your good hands, Lord. Only you can make me decide.
I don't wana brood anymore on whether he loved me just as much or whatsoever. It's over and I'm gonna start getting myself back onto my feet again.
BTW: I just wana say tht to ME, Corrinne May is classy and high class enuff to be done at earshot. She is my muse and I respect her alot. I know we all have our own opinions, but I really don't like it when someone else makes it sound wrong, and silly, and belittle the idea of it. Or unintentionally come across tht way. I didn't like it. If u didn't agree, u cud have had more tact saying it. HAAA. MAyBe Just MAYBE we are too alike in character, so thts why we dont realy agree on alot of things. Oh well.
You know how they say Monday blues are the worst..? My Monday, was odd. I'm not entirely unhappy about it, neither am I entirely happy about it either. But Of course, since I find myself caught in limbo ever so often, about many things varying from jobs to places to friends to love. I still am grateful for another day coz God gave me another day to live and experience and learn.
But today, I felt a range of emotions. Oddly mixed up. I was initially bored and sleepy, and tht is normal, and then I felt rather upset and disappointed, but tht slowly changed to a lighter, happier feeling, though a bit confused with myself. Then I felt the kinda " what a waste " feeling, which changed to " ok so be it " feeling. MMm...Later it was alot of deep thoughts and confusion on an entirely different topic.
Had something else to attend to before heading back, and got back ard 9ish.. quite tired. But also busy mind bloggling over my gig songs.. still not gotten down to confirming my set list YET *agh*.. Don't u just hate trying to squeeze everything into one set????
U're prob really perplexed about what my whole second paragraph was about,so to cut the chase; Jw and I spoke again and finally talked about things.( Though yet again I had to initiate..just wished he cud have been the one like ive wished since long ago ). My anger "evergy" turned into nothing but positive and what i've felt for him all along. And I'm glad to know as much that hopefully to his extent, he felt the same, but he ..well, it or not, I have to accept that he had his reasons and still does. But after three months of silence, he's matured and we've both coincidentally learnt the same lesson about not plunging head on into these things or anything in life for tht matter.( smth nick has always talked to me about but Ive only understood it not long ago). I ought to say too, that smth he admitted to me, I believe, that I too, have the same flaw, and tht makes us amazingly similar. Or maybe it is a flaw of people our age. But whatever it is, though upset, Im happy with the way he said things this time round, and that I am now finally able to have a better conclusion, though not perfect, but nothing is; so now I can move on with my life, and with us being friends. I started the day being unable to call his name, and tht was a difficult barrier to break, but I managed to by the time I left work. That feeling lifted me, and I walked from Eunos bus stop to Eunos mrt, embracing the wind, smiling at God's beauty around me, and honestly, feeling happy. I treasure such moments, when my emotions don't stirr me into the darker side of things.
Don't ask me how it happened, but overnight, I just decided to throw all tht ill and hurtful feelings away and come face to face with what I felt deep inside. And I think for him, he's probably happy that we had this conversation as well. Of coz, I'm the not-so-fortunate party, but well, it's always been this way. The guys Ive loved before have either been taken, and/or rejected me nicely, left me "the next day literally" , or thrown me away time and time again after i tried to go back. But I knew I had to do this...and it felt right.
I always give myself and the other party two chances, and after tht I promise myself that i don't try again, co I've done and expressed myswelf clearlya and the best I could. So I walk away after tht, and be around in a wholly different manner, and see where the wind blows. : )
Ahh, never thought I'd say tht sentence again. Well, for this I'm back on track. I guess sort of, this can only be good. It has to be , isnt it? Actually Jw expressed smth tht Nick talked to me about before, but I just simply refused to look at. And that is, (and deep down i have somewhat always known) that we're young. HAHA. Nick is prob laughing. Jw did mention this before in the heat of our break up, but it was alot harder to take then, esp when he said it so insensitively. He is mature I guess, in this aspect. He has always been right, about how we are both simply too unstable, emotionally, or financially, or even educationally,ourselves, to take care of each other properly. it's not that he can't or I can't but, he just can't, fully. He has his things to do, and so do I, and that IS TRUE. But... I loved him too much to let go at tht time, and so I cudnt say the two big words, and he ended up doing so. Or I guess I refused to accept tht before,because I wanted to believe in him and us that we were strong enugg, or mature enuff to work thru all the storms. because THAT WAS what we promised each other. Perhaps all talk and no brain? But who were we to be hero? Although I still very much want to journey with him, I guess it will have to wait, and becoz I finally understand the meaning of loving means letting go, with him tht is, Im finally gonna do it. You see, with every love, until a proper conclusion is made, and both parties understand, there's no way this phrase can be literally embraced and done.
But besides, we're both terribly immature, with regards to the matters of the heart, and so till he has worked tht out. I guess this is it for now. I have no intention anymore of trying to distract myself. There's no need to. Not even for the fun of having something interesting to write. Coz in all honesty, all the distractions, were, simply nonsense.
Work wise, I'm mind boggling over it. Im just staying, for the preddi cheque on the 28th, but it's becoming more evident to me, that I truly do not know how to appreciate or feel like contributing to the visual arts community. Also, the lot of accounting work that needs to be done on excel sheets ain't pleasing me too much, don't mention how I'm terribly confused about all the different accounts and what should go where, and the terms such as income and expentiture statements. The company has BIG PLANS, BIG DREAMS, but the account has not so big amounts, and the place will prob only be able to fulfil this in ten yra time, looking at the anqitue bosses and mentality here. *90% cheena-fied, 10% westernised*. How interesting, for ARTS people?!?!
I went to meet Wayne, my previous HR manager for Gramophone and also my friend now... ( who btw is like one of the rarest, nicest husbands and daddy's around today ) and discussed with him off the possibility to become a gramophone office staff. But as we talked, he still preferred me on the floor. Seems to be my forte I figure?? * i wonder, if tht is good or bad news* But I told him if I were to re-join and he is actually willing to take me back again ( provided I really prove my credibility,), that i wud need one of the office area outlets.
I know many have said to me that I really gotta weigh and know my priorities. It's really one in a million to get a job u'd be happy with, and earn well, and be able to fulfil your outside commitments. How true.. and so I'm so fixated with needing 5 day work weeks, so tht I can go for church meetings, sing for weekend mweddings and masses, and work on gigs, and at the same time earn enuff to be comfortable and happy. TOUGH LUCK EH. And Wayne brought this up to me earlier, like many other good willed friends around me have. And I know it. But i went to him, for the reason off how ive been feeling this two weeks,about " if u stay in a job just for the money, and ure not happy, it will show and u will start to suck at what u do coz u dont want to perform. Where as when u do smth u like, no doubt lesser pay, u will naturally be gd at it, and everything else will fall in place. ie. the money)
I went to talk with Wayne, because I love gramophone alot. And I honestly miss my days there. Just disliked the working days and the fact tht I had no time for anything else. Working in my current place has been amking me think and miss tht enviornment alot. ( but i definitely do nto muiss the boredeom tht brooded upon us at times ). I don't know. I'm sure you can tell that I'm awfully confused. I know it's very simple actually, and a matter of deciding which I wana choose.. but YEA.
i remember too, that as much as I loved the music there, I had to leavt becoz it reminded me off him too much.
I'm gonna pray about ALL THIS I wrote tonight. I have actually bothered to proof read tonight, so *WHOA*.
All in your good hands, Lord. Only you can make me decide.
I don't wana brood anymore on whether he loved me just as much or whatsoever. It's over and I'm gonna start getting myself back onto my feet again.
BTW: I just wana say tht to ME, Corrinne May is classy and high class enuff to be done at earshot. She is my muse and I respect her alot. I know we all have our own opinions, but I really don't like it when someone else makes it sound wrong, and silly, and belittle the idea of it. Or unintentionally come across tht way. I didn't like it. If u didn't agree, u cud have had more tact saying it. HAAA. MAyBe Just MAYBE we are too alike in character, so thts why we dont realy agree on alot of things. Oh well.
Sunday, July 09, 2006 her head again.......
Don't know whether what I did was a good thing, but familiarity is making me smile again. Call me foolish, call me silly. I needed to do that for the longest time ever despite whatever anyone said... despite the "right" way I noe I should have followed...or what my gut felt pissed abt for the last few months...
I cudnt have done it sober and I noe i wudnt have, coz too much pride wud have stopped me...... so my fingers found its way to pressing those numbers when I was extremely high last night. I seriously wonder what it is like to be drunk if high is already like this? I was higher than the time I was at Lerping's. I was fucking almost gone. It felt terrible. the vodka wanted to puke itself out of my liver. I cud feel the eeky disgusting feeling. I was really high. Concious of what I was sort of doing, yet totally knocked out and controlled by my reflex reactions.
I was toking gibberish and oly cud control stammering and trying to walk...think i spoke with fendi, and then kalif before i found myslef on the phone with him. Everything was just screaming out of me. After the whole espisode, and waking this afternoon, it really elt better. And then I had a decent conversation with him again before my bath. Maybe since I can't get better without him around, I'd have to have him around to feel better then. I don't know how it'll work. But we'll see.
This makes me wana spurr on and start pushing myself again. This same old motivation I had before, but now in a different context perhaps. I don't know...
see ya all.
Don't know whether what I did was a good thing, but familiarity is making me smile again. Call me foolish, call me silly. I needed to do that for the longest time ever despite whatever anyone said... despite the "right" way I noe I should have followed...or what my gut felt pissed abt for the last few months...
I cudnt have done it sober and I noe i wudnt have, coz too much pride wud have stopped me...... so my fingers found its way to pressing those numbers when I was extremely high last night. I seriously wonder what it is like to be drunk if high is already like this? I was higher than the time I was at Lerping's. I was fucking almost gone. It felt terrible. the vodka wanted to puke itself out of my liver. I cud feel the eeky disgusting feeling. I was really high. Concious of what I was sort of doing, yet totally knocked out and controlled by my reflex reactions.
I was toking gibberish and oly cud control stammering and trying to walk...think i spoke with fendi, and then kalif before i found myslef on the phone with him. Everything was just screaming out of me. After the whole espisode, and waking this afternoon, it really elt better. And then I had a decent conversation with him again before my bath. Maybe since I can't get better without him around, I'd have to have him around to feel better then. I don't know how it'll work. But we'll see.
This makes me wana spurr on and start pushing myself again. This same old motivation I had before, but now in a different context perhaps. I don't know...
see ya all.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Call me
Call me
u wish
of me
of anything
what can i say?
can i argue
can i complain
do i have
a platform
to react
to yr thoughts
to yr actions
no longer
is what
u said
and i
copy it down
i dont know
im still
this way
ure good
ure bad
u say
so i write
what u write
i hate and love
oxidation #1
glass falls from the sky
we meet often; kiss sometimes
lets me cry; without the burden of emotion
& builds mirrors on the floor so that i wont be so lonely
blood from a suicidal sun
purple clouds; are just dry stains
face to face; i understand better
i am happy to watch you die because i know that you will be back again
hidden lights light up
my shadow; questions perfection
street lamps; are never enough
my eyes
you remind me that theres more out there
Call me
u wish
of me
of anything
what can i say?
can i argue
can i complain
do i have
a platform
to react
to yr thoughts
to yr actions
no longer
is what
u said
and i
copy it down
i dont know
im still
this way
ure good
ure bad
u say
so i write
what u write
i hate and love
oxidation #1
glass falls from the sky
we meet often; kiss sometimes
lets me cry; without the burden of emotion
& builds mirrors on the floor so that i wont be so lonely
blood from a suicidal sun
purple clouds; are just dry stains
face to face; i understand better
i am happy to watch you die because i know that you will be back again
hidden lights light up
my shadow; questions perfection
street lamps; are never enough
my eyes
you remind me that theres more out there
All good things, are shortlived, saved for the good Lord's love I suppose. Crushes die after it tries to live...crushes get crushed in the shortest time possible as soon as someone sle finds out tht it seems to be a crush.
I fear being alone on weekends the most. Weekday nights are bad enough. Ive re-joined the Youth Muisc Ministry once again... this time I hope to be committed and perhaps in the long run, make a difference in this ministry, for there is so much this ministry can really improve on. So I occupy my Friday nights with this group of lovely great musicians; youngsters.
Being a new, yet not so new (considering ive been with them on off) member of YMM, I have the same feelings as those newbies in C.D choir. The issue of commitment has finally arised. I started attending YMM last yr, whenever I was free. This Jeremy brought up tonight, and so correct he is, that being part of ministry shouldn't be this way, aka As and when you feel like,you turn up and take part.
I remember how I used to spend my weekends withde.. Jase, Charles and Ivan... and I never had to think twice or reconsider my weekend plans. They were soley for them and for the love of music. I enjoyed jamming with our band and gigging. The once "The Lull" really ceased existence. I remember telling Charlie that I didn't want that to happen, despite what he said about him gg to army. It's weird now, how we're still so close, and yet we stopped hanging out altogether. It's so natural since we only hung out as a group,if not never. I think the only time we did, was when he came out after two weeks of BMT. I missed him lots. I still do miss his company these days. it's just odd, not having him really ard anymore. Needless to say, how much odder it feels not jamming or gigging with him anymore.I long for those days again, and wish that he could still sit down with me and teach me how to sing this or that or how to harmonise with him. He taught me alot those intensive three months of gigs. Even worse, without Jase around, it feels even more awful. I haven't forgotten and he hasn't left my heart one bit. I just keep pretending that I'm moving on and finding other distractions.
As much as choir CAMP helped me get closer to God again and re-think my faith and how I should be living the WORD and living since God had already won the battle for me, it still doesn't change how badly hurt and battered I am inside. I realised today, that he really had etched himself in me so much that he's a part of me now and I can't get rid of it. That goes for those who have surely and gradually disappeared. I remember Charles told me recently, that the more I "push" someone, the more I inevitably push tht person away. And I actually remember that from a past experience as well. So I won't bore on how people have gone and all.. but that I just wana say, I still wish these people were in my life: Rene, Jase, Harri, Godbro Nick Chan... and though it's so weird now; Claire. And of coz I will always respect and continue to respect Charles's life and what he does, and what he choses to tell me or not tell at all.. coz that much i look up to him....and this comes back to the topic of my weekends. I used to spend them with these individuals, as individuals, or as a group..and now, I really don't have anyone to hang out with anymore. At least not the usual people, where u'd just sms or ring and thts it, smth is planned.
So for this weekend.. I started to really feel awful. Till like the last few hrs of tonight, I had nothing planned. And though Im sick, it is awful to sleep thru on a saturday. I found out tht KC's EMDDS is showing tonite and tmr nite. So I managed to get tix! I was pretty happy ht I finally have smth to do tmr. Then later I told Bao (small jon) abt how i have nothing on tmr.. and he asked me along for his GIG for YISS participants...okies then... so I guess I got an itenery for tmr... Ive felt pretty happy the whole week until wed nite, suddenly felt reality creeping back in... I know I can go out on my own and do lots of things.. or even go to church, but tht's just not me. Im just not one or used to being alone eats me up. After EMDDS tmr nite, I might choose to meet Kalif up and get drunk.. I'll see how. ya, maybe I feel slightly better right this moment. JUst sleepy and still having an awful nasty flu. Gg to sleep now.
OOO! :) I learnt a few new chords!!! Pat taught me earlier!! :P happiness... and for my gig, pianist has changed. So I'll update on gig nearer the time again.
Wana say thanks to YMM people tonite.. really chered me up. Freda, ure a fren whoose just there.. thank u... Rach babe, remember what i told u, and I luv u to d end sof the earth, dont let yrself get hurt or upset anymore.. not worth it... to marie, caroline, gabrina, eugene (both), bao, john tan, jeremy, joshua, shane, mark, carl, junella, and whoever who made me smile tonite.. thank u.... the smallest gesture emans alot to me.
Merv, Kenneth, thanks for stuffs least tht doesnt nake ne feel like ive got no one to talk to online...
Most of all, each time I feel down now, I look at any of your creations Lord, be it the Sun, the moon, the food on my table, and I thank you Lord. I know ure always with me, and always watching over me. I love u lord.
Gd nite world.
I fear being alone on weekends the most. Weekday nights are bad enough. Ive re-joined the Youth Muisc Ministry once again... this time I hope to be committed and perhaps in the long run, make a difference in this ministry, for there is so much this ministry can really improve on. So I occupy my Friday nights with this group of lovely great musicians; youngsters.
Being a new, yet not so new (considering ive been with them on off) member of YMM, I have the same feelings as those newbies in C.D choir. The issue of commitment has finally arised. I started attending YMM last yr, whenever I was free. This Jeremy brought up tonight, and so correct he is, that being part of ministry shouldn't be this way, aka As and when you feel like,you turn up and take part.
I remember how I used to spend my weekends with
As much as choir CAMP helped me get closer to God again and re-think my faith and how I should be living the WORD and living since God had already won the battle for me, it still doesn't change how badly hurt and battered I am inside. I realised today, that he really had etched himself in me so much that he's a part of me now and I can't get rid of it. That goes for those who have surely and gradually disappeared. I remember Charles told me recently, that the more I "push" someone, the more I inevitably push tht person away. And I actually remember that from a past experience as well. So I won't bore on how people have gone and all.. but that I just wana say, I still wish these people were in my life: Rene, Jase, Harri, Godbro Nick Chan... and though it's so weird now; Claire. And of coz I will always respect and continue to respect Charles's life and what he does, and what he choses to tell me or not tell at all.. coz that much i look up to him....and this comes back to the topic of my weekends. I used to spend them with these individuals, as individuals, or as a group..and now, I really don't have anyone to hang out with anymore. At least not the usual people, where u'd just sms or ring and thts it, smth is planned.
So for this weekend.. I started to really feel awful. Till like the last few hrs of tonight, I had nothing planned. And though Im sick, it is awful to sleep thru on a saturday. I found out tht KC's EMDDS is showing tonite and tmr nite. So I managed to get tix! I was pretty happy ht I finally have smth to do tmr. Then later I told Bao (small jon) abt how i have nothing on tmr.. and he asked me along for his GIG for YISS participants...okies then... so I guess I got an itenery for tmr... Ive felt pretty happy the whole week until wed nite, suddenly felt reality creeping back in... I know I can go out on my own and do lots of things.. or even go to church, but tht's just not me. Im just not one or used to being alone eats me up. After EMDDS tmr nite, I might choose to meet Kalif up and get drunk.. I'll see how. ya, maybe I feel slightly better right this moment. JUst sleepy and still having an awful nasty flu. Gg to sleep now.
OOO! :) I learnt a few new chords!!! Pat taught me earlier!! :P happiness... and for my gig, pianist has changed. So I'll update on gig nearer the time again.
Wana say thanks to YMM people tonite.. really chered me up. Freda, ure a fren whoose just there.. thank u... Rach babe, remember what i told u, and I luv u to d end sof the earth, dont let yrself get hurt or upset anymore.. not worth it... to marie, caroline, gabrina, eugene (both), bao, john tan, jeremy, joshua, shane, mark, carl, junella, and whoever who made me smile tonite.. thank u.... the smallest gesture emans alot to me.
Merv, Kenneth, thanks for stuffs least tht doesnt nake ne feel like ive got no one to talk to online...
Most of all, each time I feel down now, I look at any of your creations Lord, be it the Sun, the moon, the food on my table, and I thank you Lord. I know ure always with me, and always watching over me. I love u lord.
Gd nite world.